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The process of writing my Extended Inquiry Project was a long and hard process.


thoughts and my arguments changed over the course of this entire project. There were some

setbacks and there were also some good accomplishments that came from the setbacks.

Near the beginning of the project, my argument was not complete. My paper was simply

a list of facts by the first draft. By the second draft I had a planned exigency that made my paper

matter. Over the course of my first and second drafts, I had trouble finding the sources that I

needed to argue a point that mattered. I finally found something right before the second draft that

really propelled my paper to the next level. The researched that I had found really developed an

incomplete thought into an actual argument. This second draft was a huge turning point in the

development of my paper due to the newfound argument. The change between the first and

second draft show the progress that I made in having an argument.

At the start of this project, I was very doubtful that I could build a persuasive argument,

but at the end of it all I feel like I get a solid argument across very clearly. My paper was exigent

in a sense that it showed that change needed to happen soon. The message was also very broad

so a multitude of groups could relate to it. There was a clear purpose in mind and it did not trail

off into topics that were unnecessary.

The peer reviews will prove most necessary in future situations because they show what

writers of similar experience levels think of my writing. That gives me a good window into how

well I connected with the people around me. Connectivity is the whole point of writing and I feel

like my connection is proved in the peer review. One areas that I wish I could revisit are my

drafts. My drafts were rushed and did not receive the amount of time that they truly needed.
Over the course of this project my understanding of argumentative writing and rhetoric

also changed. At the start of the semester, I was not very good at writing and having a clear

argument in my writing. By the end of the semester and this paper, I was able to convey a

message and argue something I cared about with ease. Persuading people with writing was

something else that I progressed in over the course of the semester. This paper was responsible

for making me grow as a writing and as a communicator in general.

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