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Corwin Maness

February 27, 2017

Dont think onesided

Students think passively only absorb info

Observations. From a series of observations, we can come to establish:

Facts. From a series of facts, or from an absence of fact, we make:

Inferences. Testing the validity of our inferences, we can make:

Assumptions. From our assumptions, we form our:

Opinions. Taking our opinions, we use evidence and the principles of logic to develop:

Arguments. And when we want to test our arguments and to challenge the arguments of others, we

Critical Analysis (through which we challenge the observations, facts, inferences, assumptions, and
opinions in the arguments that we are analyzing).

premises and biases are not fact

find good evidence

make a thesis after you have good evidence

good thesis will make a claim and shape argument

make counter claims

arguments are not meant to be negative

These articles shed light on to some of the topics of argumentative writing that I was not

too sure about. Things such as how thesis statements were structured or how to make a good

argument. These few articles helped me out in areas I was lacking.

First off, thesis statements were something I was not too sure about. I did not know how

they were structured or even what they are used for. These readings presented me with all the

information I needed. I learned that each thesis statement was composed of a claim that answered

questions about the topic. I also learned how important thesis statements are in the process of

writing papers. They are the backbone of the whole entire paper. Another thing that was

beneficial was learning about arguments and their purpose. I found that I sometimes structure my

arguments in the wrong way, which does not help me get my point across in the best way


These would help improve my writing by giving me a better starting place on my papers.

Having a better backbone will give my paper a better structure and will make what I am trying to

say clearer. Also, having a better structured argument will not only make my papers more

interesting to read, but will make my arguments better and will make people understand my topic

more. These articles were very helpful in making me realize where I fall short as a writer and

will help me in the future especially as we write our final inquiries.

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