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Daniel Garcia Garrigo

UWRT 1102

Ms. Leah Huizar


EIP Process Draft - Proposal

The topic I am going to discuss and develop in my Extended Inquiry Project is to

what extent Virtual Reality and its applications can be beneficial for our daily lives.

Virtual Reality (VR) has evolved exponentially over the past decade, and it is becoming

one of the main Grand Challenges of Engineering. Its applications can be analyzed from

various perspectives, from the video game industry to medical uses like treating patients

suffering from phobias.

In this project, I will explore the meaning and definitions of Virtual Reality, and

its origins. I'll give my perspective as a student of Electrical Engineering, and how I am

involved with the topic. Basically, "Virtual Reality is an illusory environment,

engineered to give the users the impression of being somewhere other than where they

are", Grand Challenges of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering.

I have always been a fan of the illusion that a machine can create, and how a

computer can trick your brain into believing you are somewhere you are not. When I

was 10 years old, I went on a field trip with my school to a technological museum in

Madrid. I had the opportunity to try the airplane simulator, and it was such an

innovative and mind-boggling experience for me that I knew I wanted to do something

related to that type of technology in my career. My passion for technology led me to my

actual career of Electrical Engineering, and it is the reason why I chose this area of

inquiry. The aim of this project is to deepen in the topic, and my research is likely to

help me in my career.

1. What is the exigency of Virtual Reality? What are you trying to argue/inquire?

Who is your audience?

a. Chose a specific part of Virtual Reality and go deeper with the issues,

problems, and tensions that it arises.

2. You stated a few lines of Inquiry, from the video game industry to medical uses

like treating patients suffering from phobias.

a. The ideas underlined are more concise concepts that you could choose to

write about. You could contribute to the conversation by adding your

personal story.
3. I would recommend using this layout to help aid in the process. It will help you

to focus in on your ideas and make your inquiry stronger/more concise.

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