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Corwin Maness

February 13, 2017

Topic: Stress on US soldiers and how to manage it
Line(s) of Inquiry (Direction of Questioning): How to fix the stress that these soldiers have
Tension, Issue or Problem(s) to exploring: Stressful situations are changing peoples lives
into bad lives
Exigency: People are out in the real world and they are affected by things they cannot
comprehend, therefore making their lives awful
Keywords (group synonyms together): stress, military
Example search strings (AND, OR, NOT, "Exact Phrase," site): stresses on the us military and
how to deal with them

Article one:
Publication reputation: has very good articles and content geared towards soldiers
and families related to soldiers
The article had no listed author

This articles message is geared towards soldiers who are going overseas or have been
previously. This is an information source for people who do not know what to expect. This
article allows me to know what people who have already experienced this stress, which would
allow me to figure out more things about my inquiry. This article provides an exclusive insight
that will help me write my project.

Article Two:

Publication reputation: This publication has information on different mental illnesses and how to
deal with them.
This article had no listed author

This article not only feature information on what stress soldiers experience, but how they
can deal with it as well. This is helpful because I can see what is already done for soldiers who
have these mental illnesses. Also, the article features ways other people can help you so a soldier
does not have to be self-reliant. Another feature that this article has is symptoms of mental
illness so that people know what to look for. This could help me make another section in my

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