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Natalia Mamahit

(TI 15 / 15051204028)
1. B. tomatos -> tomatoes
2. A. informations -> information
3. C. fishes -> fish
4. A. homeworks -> homework
5. D. furnitures -> furniture
6. A. a good luck -> good luck
7. B. computer -> computers
8. D. His experiences -> His experience PAGE 26 PART C
9. C. sunshines -> sunshine
1. B. a water -> water
10.A. knifes -> knives
2. C. Little serious actions -> few
PAGE 20 PART C serious actions
3. A. The Suvarnabhumi ->
1. D. tuned finely -> tuned instrument 4. B. an unique -> a unique
2. D. keeps going often -> often keeps 5. B. any Writers -> many Writers
going 6. D. Easily -> Easy
3. D. green big plastic bag -> big green 7. B. much -> many
plastic bag 8. B. Enough good -> good enough
4. B. bright sunshines -> bright 9. A. This trees -> These trees
sunshine 10.D. Much more -> many more
5. A. beautifully -> beautiful
6. B. importance -> important PAGE 30 PART C
7. D. Canadian thin lady -> thin 1. D. him own-> his own
Canadian lady 2. C. freely->free
8. C. boat sailing -> blue sailing 3. C. him
9. D. fastly -> faster 4. D. for they -> for them
10.A. with -> the word of with is 5. B. himself -> herself
errased 6. C. she -> they
7. D. we -> us
8. C. their -> its
9. D. me -> I
10.B. theirself -> themselves

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