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To: Professor Joy McDonald

From: Anjala Brewton, Nia Brevard, Breaa Burnett, Taylor Dow, Paris Edwards

Date: April 11, 2017

Subject: Project Assessment Memo

Every member of our group did an individual analysis of their choosing. Our topics included
texting and driving, violence in chicago, African American filmmakers, the success of HBCUs,
and domestic violence. We all came together to decide whos topic would be best for a poster
series. Overall, domestic violence received the popular vote. Discourse conventions and the
audience play an important role in this topic because the more aware people become of domestic
violence and the effects it can have on the community, the faster abusers can be stopped.We then
began to contemplate what should be included on each of the two posters. As a group, we
decided one poster would appeal to the emotion of the audience (pathos), and the other would be
statistical, highlighting our credibility (ethos) to the audience. We then drew out sketches of the
layout and placement of the elements of each poster. We wanted our posters to be as clear as
possible to our audience. We formatted the posters in a way that is very simple and easy to read
and understand.

There were really no challenges within our group while doing this project. When our group was
not in te classroom, we communicated via group chat through text message. Every group
member contributed their fair share of work and time to this project. It was our goal for the
audience to feel moved by our topic of domestic violence. Therefore, we used persuasion as our
systematic approach by incorporating and combining pathos and ethos. For the poster appealing
to the emotion of the audience, we selected an image of a victim and included different methods
of reporting an audience. We also researched and found that violet was the color representing
domestic violence. To be sure the colors did not clash, we selected white for our text. On the
poster appealing to our credibility, we decided to include statistics. The bold font and size of the
numbers allow them to stand out to the audience. The poster provides raw and straightforward
research of how domestic violence impacts men, women and children.

The most effective aspect in terms of design was the use of the image to draw the attention of the
audience by emphasizing how real domestic violence is. Also, the font size of the caption
STAND UP TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE catches the viewer's eye. We made all of our
decisions by proposing ideas and discussing amongst each other which one would work best for
the entirety of the project.
Works Cited

"Domestic Violence Awareness." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.


"11 Facts About Domestic And Dating Violence." | Volunteer for Social Change.

N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.


"Capital Area 24 hour Crisis Line: (225) 389-3001 or 1 (800) 541-9706." Domestic Violence

Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2017. <>.

"Statistics." Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2017. <>.

"Statistics." The National Domestic Violence Hotline. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.


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