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Alec Daub

Ms. Woelke


10 March 2017


On my old essay there were many parts with limited information. In these parts I added

supporting details and facts to make the essay more complete. I also gave more information on

what was being written about to give my reader a better understanding of the topic. Lastly, I

further developed my point and made it clear what was being said. My writing in the past has

been boring and gone off topic. I have improved my writing skills with the help of all of my

English teachers in high school and with help from my parents. I feel like I have progressed

from freshman year all the way up until now and looking back on old writing you can see the

difference that school has made. I use stronger vocabulary, write more in detail, and stay on the

topic at hand. This makes my writing stronger and whatever point I am attempting to make is

made clear with strong arguments.

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