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Innocence v.

s Experience

Innocence v.s experience means when you have innocence then you havent found out something

before,and experience means that you have found out/experienced something before.

I am innocent because I havent experienced everything yet,like some bad things,sad things,and

more things I havent found out yet. I am mostly innocent because I havent been taught or

found out some things about some cooking,driving,voting and more. I also have innocence

because I havent got in a fight with anyone. Those are ways I am innocent.

I think that I have experienced things like parent things,bad things, and good things. I have also

experienced emotions like sad and mad. I have experienced things like falling down the

stairs,riding a bike,and I have fallen down the stairs. Those are ways that I have experienced.

So I have innocence and experience. Being innocent has changed me because I have some

goodness in me still and being experienced changed me because I have some emotional bad

things about family members. These things have changed me in a positive and negative way

because I have been a sad person after losing some people and a happy person for not learning

some bad things so I wont do them. I mostly have changed by experience because I have been

very emotional then I use to be. That is how I am innocent and experienced in my life.

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