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Mason Heavener

Deby Jizi

UWRT 1104

28 February 2017

Future Authoring Final Draft

In an ideal but non-realistic future, life would be great. For me a terrific

future would be relaxed easy living doing things that I love to do. My top goal is to

be at peace with myself and with my life. While it may seem a little ridiculous, my

dream job would be to own my own food truck. I love to cook and I believe that a

food truck would be the best way to share my love with the people of Charlotte.

While I believe, I can cook well, I cannot cook the fancy foods so my business would

be geared toward feeding the various drunks and hungry people in the uptown and

university city area.

For my future relationships, the most important thing I care about is my

family. I hope to be in close contact with all my relatives whether that be my

parents, my siblings, or anyone else. I hope to uphold the same traditions that we

celebrate today such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. I am a very traditional person

in the sense that I do not like to change things up very much. During Christmas, this

past year we changed what we did and I did not like it at all. I hope to continue

these traditions in the same way that I grew up to ensure that my children and

nieces and nephews have as great a childhood as I did. As well as my family, it

would be great to continue a lasting relationship with the brothers of my fraternity.


More than likely I would be living with some of them in a nice house somewhere in

the Charlotte area. I do not plan to marry until later in life so roommates would be

the ideal situation for a good portion in my life. Of course, I would love to own a

large house with a big house one day, but I am determined to live life as debt free

as possible so this would be a purchase that I would make later in life.

Speaking on the fraternity front I hope to continue serving my brotherhood

long after I graduate college. With my chapter of Pi Kappa Phi being chartered in

2015, we are still a very new fraternity on campus. We are growing and trying our

best to become one of the most popular and influential Greek Organizations on

Charlottes campus. I believe by time I graduate we will reach that level and after

my time in college I want to do whatever I can to continue the legacy and the great

things that this fraternity accomplishes. Along with my chapter, I want to contribute

to our charity, The Ability Experience for as long as I live because of the good work

that they do across the country. They work with children who have mental or

physical disabilities and we as Pi Kapps do whatever we can to help them have fun

and feel like regular children. I plan to take part in their Journey of Hope which is a

cross country bike trip that serves children with disabilities from California to North

Carolina. While all these are good things however, the most important thing I hope

to do is pay off all my college debt.

In all honesty, I have no clue how I want my future to be. I am a big advocate

of going with the flow and ending up where life takes me. Whether that be how I

envision it or not I really have no choice. I just hope to receive what I have been

given and turn it into as positive experience as I can.


Mason Heavener

Deby Jizi

UWRT 1104

28 February 2017

Future Authoring

The future is time that no one can certain about. Unlike Sci-Fi movies and

comic books, there are no time machines that can show us what exactly life will be

like many years in the future. With all the obstacles and milestones that I have still

yet to cross in my life there is no way to figure out how things may play out for me.

Hopefully it will be good but there is no clear way of telling.

In an ideal but non-realistic future, life would be absolutely great. For me a

terrific future would be laid back easy living doing things that I love to do. My top

goal is to be at peace with myself and with my life. While it may seem a little

ridiculous, my dream job would be to own my own food truck. I love to cook and I

believe that a food truck would be the best way to share my love with the people of

Charlotte. While I believe I can cook fairly well, I cannot cook the fancy foods so my

business would be geared toward feeding the various drunks and hungry people in

the uptown and university city area.

For my future relationships, the most important thing I care about is my

family. I hope to be in close contact with all my relatives whether that be my

parents, my siblings, or anyone else. I hope to uphold the same traditions that we

celebrate today such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. As well as my family it would

be great to continue a lasting relationship with the brothers of my fraternity. More

than likely I would be living with some of them in a nice house somewhere in the

Charlotte area. I do not plan to marry until later in life so roommates would be the

best living situation.

Speaking on the fraternity front I hope to continue serving my brotherhood

long after I graduate college. I want to contribute to our charity, The Ability

Experience for as long as I live because of the good work that they do all across the

country. I plan to take part in their Journey of Hope which is a cross country bike trip

that serves children with disabilities from California to North Carolina. While all

these are good things however, the most important thing I hope to do is pay off all

my college debt.

In all honesty, I have no clue how I want my future to be. I am a big advocate

of going with the flow and ending up where life takes me. Whether that be how I

envision it or not I really have no choice. I just hope to receive what I have been

given and turn it into as positive experience as I can.


Ms. Jizi Review

MLA page numbers. This essay is about imagining the life you want has

materialized. It is not about predicting the future. There is power in imagination.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. -Albert

Einstein Nix the first paragraph. :) Mason, you will end up somewhere, and your

decisions today will create the path. Thinking about your future, in the best possible

light, is a great way to know what decisions you want to make today. You did not

include all the elements of PERMA. You did mention a few positive emotions, but

where will you find meaning? You mention the charity of your fraternity, and you

could find meaning in contributing to that. Use the language. It is powerful. What

will you find engaging? What are your character strengths and how will they align

with your career owning a food truck? (Which has turned out to be quite lucrative

for many people). What are your values? You need to integrate your values into your


Week Six- Researching Yourself


Top Three Strengths:

Leadership, Loyalty, Honesty

Leadership: I am glad to have this as one of my top character strengths. Leadership

plays an important role in the world and it is not a strength that many people have.

If more people had it then everyone would be a leader. I hope to build upon my

leadership abilities as I continue my college career.

Loyalty: Loyalty is also a very important strength to have, especially in todays age.

A lot of people are not loyal and it is reflected in friendships and even marriages. I

feel like someone who is loyal is very accepted by todays society as everyone is

searching for someone who is loyal whether it be a friend or something more. It

means a lot that I am not "fake."

Honesty: Honesty is the best policy and I take that to heart. Why not tell someone

the truth? It is more difficult to come up with a lie to cover yourself than it is to

simply tell the truth.

Leadership Story: My leadership story is not life changing or all that interesting but

in high school i was my schools student body president. I didnt have the best

grades and damn sure was not the smartest but I cared more about the students

and the high school than most people did. I took this passion into my leadership

position and tried to better the school for everyone who attended. I organized

several fundraisers and held a lot of events to better school spirit. As a college

freshman, I can see the impact it made as the class of 2017 has become a lot more

active than they used to be. When I was still in high school they were terrible until I

got my senior class to show them that supporting each other could be fun.

Future Authoring Reflection

1: For me, writing this essay was very hard. I do not commonly think about my

distant future in depth and prefer to just work on the here and now. Writing this

essay was scary because of how little I know about what I want to do with my life.

The whole time I was writing I was just thinking about things that I could be doing

and that what I am doing is not good enough. I plan to go through the motions and

taking the best opportunities that come forth. This is not the best strategy to make

the future as best as it can be so I was constantly rethinking my life through the

process of writing this essay. Going through the essay the conflictions of what is

realistic for me and what is not realistic got in my way a lot. I have always been told

in what directions I should take my life and what is expected of me. While that may

not be, what I want to do in life it is certainly more realistic and probable than what I

would like to do. I have always had a passion for cooking and I love to cook.

However, there are millions of people who share that passion so the job outlook may

not be good enough to support the lifestyle that I want to live. Having a fun job does

not mean it is the right one for me as it cannot guarantee an ideal future. Of course,

the future excites me as it is the future and to look at without excitement is very

counterproductive. Why would I look at my future and think it is bad? That will only

make me work my life toward a subpar future. While it may be unclear what I end

up doing with my life I cannot wait as my future unfolds.

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