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Philippines is composed of thousands of islands and diverse culture.

island has a different dialect and culture. Part of this is the varied delicacies,
some are exotic and one-of-a kind. Like the fried frogs from the city of
Pampanga which are stuffed with pork. Also, the boiled developing embryo of
a bird that is eaten directly from the shell, it commonly called balut. A
common street food in Philippines and some countries in Southeast Asia.
There is also a delicacy in Ilocos, called Abuos which is made up of ant
eggs, sauted in garlic and are eaten as raw. In Nueva Ecija, June bugs are
cooked as appetizer, just like fried mole crickets found in Pampanga. Another
bizarre dish is the horse meat cooked with coconut milk, in Dumaguete City.
These are some of the many exotic foods that can be found in different
islands and cities in the Philippines.

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