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Heavener 1

Mason Heavener

Debra Jizi

UWRT 1104

29 March 2017

Annotated Bibliography with Peer Feedback

Suicide: A Major, Preventable Mental Health Problem, Facts About Suicide and Suicide

Prevention Among Teens and Young Adults. , 2012. Internet resource.

In this suicide prevention handout, a lot of data on the epidemic are given to the

viewers. It gives out both qualitative and quantitative data that reflects on the trends and

risks involved with suicide. For example, one of the facts that is given by the pamphlet is

that in 2009, Suicide was the third leading cause of death in young people and accounted

for 14.4 percent of all deaths.

I am using this source simply for the facts and figures that are involved.

The first page of this source had a lot of numbers that I could use throughout my inquiry

essay to make it more credible and meaningful. This source also does well in telling me

the signs that someone may thinking about suicide which was one of the initial questions

that I was hoping to have answered by this paper.

This source should in fact be very credible. It is published by the US Department

of Health and Human Services with help from the National Institute of Health and the

National Institute of Mental Health. These are three very reliable sources that have a
Heavener 2

national reach and large authority in the country. It is very reasonable to take these facts

to be true.

"Risk Factors and Warning Signs AFSP." AFSP. American Foundation for Suicide

Prevention, n.d. Web. 07 Apr. 2017.

This source is may be very general but it still provides many helpful facts and

figures on suicide prevention. Navigating through this site one can find places to learn

about the warning signs and risk factors of suicide, as well as statistics and treatment. The

warning signs section tells all about how people act when contemplating suicide and the

health factors that might be included. The statistics section gives multiple quantitative

data points that shows the epidemic that is suicide and treatment gives the viewers ways

to help those in need.

This website provided many pieces of information that may prove vital to my

research. With my inquiry question being, What are the signs of suicide and how can it

be prevented, I was able to find a lot that helped answer that. From this site, I can use

information such as the behavioral changes in someone contemplating suicide as well as

an increase in use of alcohol and drugs. One of my friends who passed was a bad abuser

of anything he could get his hands on. I thought that was just who he was, but from this I

can infer that there may have been a deeper meaning behind it.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a nationwide program that is

trying to cut down the suicide rate in the country. They have chapters in all 50 states and

have several doctors on their executive and management staffs. They have been operating

since 1987 which may sound kind of recent, but suicide was not a very big problem until
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recently. To personally prove their credibility, I have friends from my home town who

participated in a Walk-a-Thon sponsored by the AFSP in remembrance of those we have

lost recently.

Suicide Awareness and Prevention: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds for Youth Aged 1217.

Films Media Group, 2003,

Accessed 9 Apr. 2017.

This video goes over a broad range of topics dealing with suicide. At the

beginning, it compares todays way of dealing with suicide to the ways that were used in

the 1950s. The 50s told those who were unhappy that they could easily snap out of it if

they just try to make humor out of bad situations. It then proceeds to tell about the things

we have learned like the fact that depression and anxiety are actual illnesses that need

treatment. The video was directed at adolescents, a group which suicide is the third

leading cause of death. They asked individual students on their thoughts about it and had

people speak who were experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts.

Since this video is all about suicide in adolescents, it hits right at home for my

situation. Both of my friends who passed were young and probably experiencing the

same things that the young adults in this video were experiencing. This video was very

powerful. The stories the people shared gave me a lot of insight on what people who are

considering suicide are thinking about and the steps that they took to overcome their

issues. This will help my inquiry tremendously as it is a first-person account and I can use

these stories to guide me in finding how suicide can be prevented. (I got legitimate goose

bumps from this video.)

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The legitimacy of this video is not in question to me as these are personal telling

of people who are dealing with depression and have suicidal thoughts and actions.

Several of the speakers were moved to tears in telling their stories and it was powerful

and genuine. As well as those who were depressed, people who have lost loved ones from

suicide spoke in the video. One lady told about her daughter, who she described as one of

the happiest people she has ever known, committing suicide and about how she wishes

she could have known that her smile was forced all along.

Linehan, Marsha M., and S. L. Nielsen. "Suicidal behaviors questionnaire." Unpublished

inventory, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (1981).

For this source, I took a questionnaire about suicide. This survey asked a

multitude of questions that deal with suicidal thoughts and actions. The majority of the

questions were scored from 0 to 4, with 4 being suicidal and a 0 being not. Topics of

questions included things like the chances you might commit suicide, how often you have

ever thought about suicide, and even the feelings that you would feel if you did attempt

suicide but failed. I found this part of the survey especially important as it is not

something that many people consider when contemplating suicide.

Taking this survey was an alternative way for me to learn about suicide. The

questions that were asked were worded very well and can be suited for anyone regardless

of whether they are considering suicide. This survey would be good to handout in a class

room setting to help those who do not voice the trouble they have. For example, one of

the questions asked What chance is there that you will consider the possibility, no matter

how remote, of killing yourself? With more detailed questions asking when such as in
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your lifetime or in the next several days. This could be good to immediately help those in

need as well as find people who find suicide to be a viable option.

This survey comes straight from the psychology department at the University of

Washington. This means that those who put this survey together are professionals and

knew what to include and knew the right questions to ask. Going through the survey you

can tell that it was professionally done. While this source relies more on the credibility of

the reader more so than the authors, it is still certainly a credible source.

University Of Texas. Be That One. Be That One Suicide Prevention, UT Counseling and

Mental Health Center, Accessed 9 Apr. 2017.

This website created by the University of Texas was absolutely the best source I

could have imagined. Included in this site were links to warning signs, ways to help, and

even ways to cope with losing a loved one to suicide. By following the link to learn about

ways to help prevent suicide, the website gives a three-step response that tells in detail

how to recognize potential harm, the best way to respond, and when and how to respond.

Every part of this website tells how an individual can do their part to help someone in

need instead of generalizing all the facts and strategies. This provides a legitimate plan to

use when you expect someone may be contemplating suicide.

I will be able to use this source in my inquiry in several different ways. The three-

step plan to help someone who may think about suicide is very helpful in teaching how to

act upon a situation where a person may commit suicide and includes the proper signs

that will lead you to take the next step in the plan. However, this is not the first part of the

website that caught my eye. I first stumbled upon the section on coping with the loss of a
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loved one from suicide. Speaking from experience, everything that was stated is very true

and is what happened after losing a close friend. Suicide is a terrible thing and it is

important to remember that it effects way more than just one person.

This source comes straight from the University of Texas and was put together

with several doctors and experts in the field. The also cite the sources where they pulled

the information in a bibliography section. Some of the sources that were used are from

national associations and other doctors who are knowledgeable in the field.

Make sure to put page numbers with last name in top right hand corner -Fix the indentation on

your citation (second line needs to be indented, not first) -paraphrase your example in the first

paragraph -switch your 3rd and 2nd paragraph -your relevance to your topic is very clear -your

credibility is proven

Keelea Krear, Mar 29 at 4:02pm

*MLA format is all correct except you forgot the hanging indent on your citation *Instead of

given one key example summarize the overall meaning and main point of the article. *(Your

paragraphs 2&3 are switched) * you explained how your source was helpful for you well *you

supported that your source was credible well, if there was anymore information that also

supported it that you didn't list your should add it also to make your source even stronger.

Akira Davis, Mar 29 at 4:02pm

Will take these comments and make my final copy better because of them.

Mason Heavener, Mar 29 at 4:

Heavener 7

Mason Heavener

Debra Jizi

UWRT 1104

29 March 2017

Annotated Bibliography Single Entry before Peer Feedback

Suicide: A Major, Preventable Mental Health Problem, Facts About Suicide and Suicide

Prevention Among Teens and Young Adults. , 2012. Internet resource.

In this suicide prevention handout, a lot of data on the epidemic are given to the viewers.

It gives out both qualitative and quantitative data that reflects on the trends and risks involved

with suicide. For example, one of the facts that is given by the pamphlet is that in 2009, Suicide

was the third leading cause of death in young people and accounted for 14.4 percent of all


This source should in fact be very credible. It is published by the US Department of

Health and Human Services with help from the National Institute of Health and the National

Institute of Mental Health. These are three very reliable sources that have a national reach and

large authority in the country. It is very reasonable to take these facts to be true.

I am using this source simply for the facts and figures that are involved. The first page of

this source had a lot of numbers that I could use throughout my inquiry essay to make it more

credible and meaningful. This source also does well in telling me the signs that someone may

thinking about suicide which was one of the initial questions that I was hoping to have answered

by this paper.

Mason Heavener
Heavener 8

Deby Jizi

UWRT 1104

22 March 2017

Suicide Prevention After Peer Review

1: In what ways, can an individual help prevent suicide and depression in others?

2: My reason for this inquiry is because of how suicide has affected me. In my past authoring

essay, I wrote about one of my best friends who committed suicide back in September 2016. Last

week I lost another friend because of it. Being able to help someone who is thinking about

ending their life or stopping them from going through with it is what I am most trying to get out

of this inquiry essay. I want to learn the signs that show that tell that someone is depressed and

not happy with their life and then learn the steps that can be taken to show them that they are in

important and loved. I hope to do this because I cannot lose another friend.

3: Before I lost my two friends, I did not even believe that depression was a real thing. I was one

of the people who just thought people could choose to be happy if they wanted to and that if they

claimed to be depressed they were just searching for attention. I was wrong. I learned how big of

a deal depression is and that it is real and effects millions of people. With my first few attempts

to gain knowledge on depression I learned much more than I previously did and got a lot of good

facts and stats. Also, before I started working on this paper I thought that it would be too big of a

question too tackle and that I would have a much easier time writing about something else.

However, this is a big issue and is very personal so I will stick with it.
Heavener 9

This is obviously a very personal topic to you and I think your passion that you have for it is

going to show up in your paper. You did a great job of tying this into your past authoring essay

since it's the same topic.

Cody Threet, Mar 22 at 4:37pm

You need to fix the date to the correct mla format. I am also interested in this topic and I think

you will do good with it. One thing you need to work on would be pacing. I felt confused by the

structure of the paper as I was reading it.

Cole Bell, Mar 22 at 9:57pm

Heavener 10

Mason Heavener

Deby Jizi

UWRT 1104

20 March 2017

Suicide Prevention Before Peer Review

For me personally, suicide prevent is very important. In the past six months, I have lost

two very close friends because of suicide. Both guys were two of the most fun and carefree

living people I knew so of course receiving the news was shocking on both occasions. What I

want to find out is how suicide can be prevented. What are the signs? What ways can someone

help? How can you help if you have no clue what happening?

The first one of my friends who past appeared to be happy. He lived a great life, went to

college, had a long-term relationship, and never even frowned. But on the inside, he was battling

a silent fight with depression. A fight that not even his twin brother knew about and the two of

them were inseparable. So what I want to know is, if they choose to keep their struggles hidden

from any and every one, how can someone detect, prevent and help that person?

To start my research, I simply looked up ways to detect depression and what doctors look

for when they are diagnosing and prescribing medicine to try to counter the effects. I researched

this because depression is one of the main reasons for suicide. Based on research there will be

some physical signs of depression such as weight gain or weight loss. Depressed people may also

have aches and pains in the body even though they do not do much physical exercise. I found

this interesting and this base research will help as I continue my inquiry into suicide prevent and

depression support.

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