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EE TALES CALCULATED TO DRIVE YOU ...@ MAD tea party. ERED Copyriaht © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. PROOF...OF 8 BRANDS TESTED, [2\NIIG IS BEST IMITATION OF MAD 5, EXTENSIVE pee f ene ees BEST IMITATION THAT PANIE LEADS EIGHT OTHER BRANDS IN IMITATING MAGS seh nee ea FAIR IMITATION OTHER MAD imiTaTION / POOR IMITATION BRAND C BRAND D BRAND F Fon tour susserenon wo” PANIC [1] HOWEVER, IF YOU WANT THE REAL inceOy, SUBSCROE Toone MAD SUBSCRIPTION DEPT. PLEASE SEND ME ONE OR ROOM 106 BOTH MAGAZINES CHECKED 225 LAFAYETTE ST. ABOVE FOR WHICH I ENCLOSE NEW YORK 12, N.Y. 41.00 PER TITLE (8 ISSUES) ZONE —_— stare. —__ (PLEASE PRINT) ' eeeeeeend Poor Wilt! That question's been botherin’ hin Yep!...Can't blame him for bein’ bothered by such a question that has such national significance! WEWSPAPER COMICS DEPT. : WELL...HELLO THERE / ARE YOU AN OLD-TIME MAD READER? WELL THEN, SNUGGLE DOWN ON YOUR BED OF NAILS ANO PREPARE FOR THE USUAL SESSION! . ARE YOU A NEW MAD READER READING MAD GO HOME, YOU FOO! “ORE 700 LA; ..a question that has far reaching implications for the whole future! eS O Te “question being what has this omic strip gat to do with gasoline? [Oh well... I guess I'll go sy home and Spend the day a5 usual. trying to comb down this cow-lick! By George, it's a doormat! ERLE Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. .,also a tiny little baby. ~.also trying to comb down a cow- lick: << PHelio, wilt/ % Also I founa W [-Skizzixs Ee look Phyllus/.. He Anything baby on the | spelled = = watking!... The kid really new happer top! I think f | backwards Y] grows on you! ,——-” today, Til call him Jy | is Skizziks! fs dear Skizziks . There's some money for way to keep my |\_Willit! Jelly- beans, Skizziks! Go cow-lick down! \ ‘out and play now! Hey you..the one who's trying to comb down that cow- lick/... What's your name? What are those V They must be yelly- 4 things that you _ beans cause Jam peans e have in that bag? AX don'ts! ake like tl att What a dopey kid! Any. / Uh-oh!.Skizziks!... That . wo Skizziks must be that body knows that Skizziks cow-lick!... The pen-technique, cartoon character... the spelled backwards of these drawings’... ‘one that grows on you! natures ao JBRLBD Coovriaht © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. Not figuratively, but literally grows © on you... which Ves... you must never eat jelly-beans' off the floor!...So that’s why L lifted ‘em up and ate “em off the garbage-can lid! The Jjelly-\ That's a good boy, Skizziks/... By ears the way... while you were gone, the Il and Stork a brought you 4 new baby didn't brother named Caulky! want to awNow here's some more money] for jelly- beans, Skizziks,..Go ‘out and play! Uh-oh! There's we kid wae 00k my jelly= beans before! Hey, ‘Natures'/ Just because youre a car- toon character that grows, you think youre smart! Alexander, Bumpstead / Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. also that ridiculous story about the stork! It's still the same! F-. By gosh... something's Wi...except wrong somewhere! Caulky! Everything's growing |]... He's still fike wildfire around’) the same! [weit didn't dropped me on the floor! eat Jelly- | aropped your Deans on | jelly-beans_ the floor lon the floor? Af By the way...while again’ A~ 4d you were gone, the ay Stork brought youa Z new baby sister named Juddy! It's getting too crowded around here for me! Everything is growing! Why couldn't I be a normal non-growing cartoon kid like Little Orphan Annie or Smitty’ name 1s Nin Orclock! I think you're cute’ must be the new little boy next oloor! What's backnards 13 axissitg ! wD think youre —\ cute, too! ERLBD Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. [.Lwant you )..oh | [..and after ail, ¥ see, Skizziks.,.uady isnt want you |} to meet my Uncle | Shouldn't refer to | | Skizziks..I am | 4 Daby any more! Gosh... when to meet | Aunt — | Juddy as your going steady ff I think back... how Judldy's baby | baby sister’ You | | with a boy grown older... how you've sister... Juddy.... ) know how young- | | and we ar rown older... how your Aunt sters feel about thinking oF hyllus has grown oider..and th getting engaged!/ how I've grown older... Just got, marred: “where am I )] sxbut what about 1 can't under- that I'm married...» Gaulky?... What, stand it/.. Caulky's Iam slowly beginning to see going to get about Caulky # still the same! the responsibilities marriage [| the money for entails/..Two people to take two bags of care of instead OT one...two Jelly-beans: mouths to feed instead instead of one? of one... .Iguess Til have to get a job! ww But what can Ido: Til just Vf..'scuse me, mam, ..Say/ My \ My name's Willit/ training and experience... there | |go from YJ but do you have name is. }..first name... Skizziks, is one type of work Lam | | door to J any odd jobs around| | Wilber spelled upside down highly qualified for! There is Wj | door the hovge... you Boobie! | is $4i7214S} By George, looking |f ending | | I see Isee you're fixing for oad }) pretzels...or raisirig | | you're fix-_ \a veevlefetzer too! Jos! FA alligators...? Real Ing 2 cracked }...a left-handed, odd jobs? veedlefetzer / One with 4 belt in > the back! one kind of thing Lam very well equipped to do! «Why yes! This veeblefetzer broke - jay! 1 wonder iF you can fix it? LBD Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. spelled backwards is shog...1 think n back to Willit and Booble/..spelied {i Hi, Wilber! HOw've veepleti Well...the business is growing right along like everything else in this Furshlugginer story / Not only are we prepared to handle veeble- fetzers... we can also handle ters... Potrzbies occupies severa/ acres with branches in wwith pla cartel... all under that sign! willit... Booble! Yessir, Skizziks ...our shop now earborn and Detroit in the works right now to make an international ve By cracky/... Things bre growing Fast... too fast iP you ask me! The business is growing vigger... my famuly 1s growing, more-numerous Sand Im growing hungry? an By George! uess I'l go home again! wMaybe Nin'll stew me upa vig mess oF barbecued velly- beans! Weil. here Iam, home again ... They're coming out the jindows | Hey!..Help!.. Shut the doors! don't ..Oh....none of tell me/ |} these is yours! ..Letme |} Them's Juday’s! The big one's yours! | ERBD Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. -Now look here, Nind Isn't this all getting kind of ridiculous and out of proportion? we why, Tira not Nin! im your mother iss wnHere W...hih- hih!..Where Somes |} You veen, crise... | gettin led frontwards you old rascal? My gosh, this 15 if that’s Chigger iks) and that's Cleavia and this 13.Nin.. whys. why... I'm my own Grandpa! _guipl...Then if every- thing's gotten So old. wh. Wh. what's happened to Uncle Wilt and ‘Aunt Phyllus? mixed up! Your Aunt and 1 are sure feeling} younger every day! Everything is all mixed“up! Everything is growing aiffer- ént ways! «1s he still the same? Eeek! Lm rew! W Come on! ¥ { Caulky is Vf caulk Finally going out of Finally I'll show Finally nor: rew!.., See my mind! about Caulky! / mal like B jim Over Aho Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. COLLECTOR'S ITEM DEPT * DEVOTED MAD READERS HAVE NOTICED IN THE PAST HOW YOUR MANAGING EDITOR HAS REPRINTED THE EARLY WORKS OF KURTZMAN WORKE BECAUSE OF THE ENTHUSIASTIC RESPONSE OF VOU KURTZMAN FANS, BECAUSE WE THINK THE NON-KURTZMAN FANS WILL ENJOY (T AND MAINLY BECAUSE WE WERE LATE AND HAD TO PAD FIVE PAGES QF SPACE INTHE PINCH AND SO WE PRESENT... POTSIOT KI3§ Me! TOOKY HUAR, GAL! DON'T 4OU ENOW US COWBOYS NEVER KISS THE LEADING LADY! BE- SIDES, IM BUSY SHININ' UP MOH WEW SHERIFF'S BADGE! SHERIFF! SHERIFF por- SHOT! THE APACHES ARE ON THE Me | POFSHOT, DALING, BE- FORE I Blow WY TOP 0 PooPy | ARE YOUHUET?, lo YOUR. GUN? 4OU A'GOIN' TO SKOOT MUH HORSE TH) f, PUT HIM OUTO' HIS MISERY SEE AGOOD HOSS, ORA GOOD ),_ FIZIEND Surre2! ¥ COURTESY OF TOBY PRESS RBM Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. BOToHCT THAT) VENGEANCE IS GLINT IN YOUR | GOIN! ENC aoe VENGEANCE A STRIKES! KISSME! GEANCE INTHE FORM OFA BLAZING SIX GUN! WAIT T GET MY. hata WL L'VE GOT 10 GET THE OWL-HOOTS WHO AZE SELLING THE GUNS TO THE ZED-SKINS 1 KNOW! I'LL DISGUIDE MUSELF AS AN INDIAN, AND I'LL SPY ON THE INDIAN CAMP! { SOUVENIRS! ROAD MAPS L THAR HE GOES! SIX FEETOF PANTHER: LIKE GRACE AND ERING GUNS! THARHE 605 BIGHT INTO THE CAMP [Cor THe 2ep- situs! MiNpTe HOW'D. E BULLET HOLES} ? HOW'D L GET OLED IN M4 HEAD? AND SO” DISGUISED AS AN, DIAN, POT: SHOT SPIES ON THE INDIAN CAMP! GETTUM INDIAN Pots HEee! WAND HUAZ HE COMES! OUT OF THE ue THE BED- 6 USUAL, ‘MUZZLE; POT-SHOT'S Cree Onto PONG teces. Pore SHOT OUT OF A DIFFICULT SITUATION WELL! OBVIOUSLY, SOME. IS ILLEGALLY Sullcgunccries TO THE INDIAN: ee WWOIAW! gh HMM! THESE yen ARE SHORE GETTING READY FOR TROUBLE | NOW, WHERE'D THEY GET THEM RIFLES? BRBD Copvright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. ICAH-MevE, BUD! GoT SOMETHING! iO eit dou Couey f MoTicatmere Wook |HOT OFF THE BOAT! A \iice THING || HINA RIELE! CHEAP! JUST FIE~ Ctosétl] |T4 PIECES OF WAMPUM DOWN , AND FIFTY PIECES LATER, PAID. OVER A TEN MONTH PEZIO! THEN L GOT HIS BACK 1S TURNED AN’ BOTH! |THE INJUNS HAVESPorTED ME! -) ANOTHER ITEM | | HIS HANDS IS OCCUPIED! Now| |GoT TOTHINK FAST WHUT WOULD ADANDY SUB- | |IS MY CHANCE TO GIVEHIMA | |MUH HORSE, MUZZLE’ DOIN A MACHINE GON4g [TASTE OF MY FAST DRAW! (52 el MEINOUN! HONEST INJUN ME INJUN | RB Coovricht 6 2006 by E.C. Publications, Inc. LOST. SQUAW ! YOU (oe07 WHO GET LOST, BIS "POF SHOT 7 ME FUL” BLOO Ine MIU ARE NO peer, Forel ww! 4 HEA, BRAVE! WANTCIM PUPE PEACE: | iN NOW, WHITE MAN! HOUTEU, US PE 2 SLUG OF FIRE-WATER 7H} WHY YOU SPU ON US O2 ‘HOT aNNECSLRED BEDS A qTORTUEE YOO a za TRINKETS BLED Copyright © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. wee ULES YOUR Fayo™ LY wauta wow wear we Do To OEHO: NOT THAT! tu uy ITE HORSE! QUTALKD) wast oc rosee Ssr she) (MUTALKL SORE TOFIND OUT barca WHERE a YOUR RIFLE gt! INTHEDALH Iisa A VEU CO ION! We, SHERIFF! WE CLEANED. \ [THE THouetT MAKES ME UT THEM REDSKINS: THERE, SHUDDER! THEY THREATENED TO Suse ONE JING x MANE FAKE AWAY MM BEAN NEW, IN ieNlow ‘UAT D2 THEM Qu 100% PlATg SHERIFFS eal THREATEN TOPO TO 4Ov TH AFTER 25h JUST ANISHED A-' EMM MADE YOU TALK? BLED Copyriaht © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc. SHSER ENS See Sree SalSSE- 8a] SSeee2ee SURELY RRB RS SRHKEKOKKTRRERER EK 80K a= i aeaa LESSON VETERANS, Give Date ERED Coovriaht © 2006 by E.C. Publications. Inc.

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