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THE CABINET NORMALIZED Mike Pompeo. Trump's new CIA director, is a rad- ical lskamophobe who supports the legallzation of torture. He was confirmed with the backing of 14 Senate Democrats, including Senate minor- Ben Carson breezed through his Senate confirmation hearing with the support of several Democrat senators, including nominally progressive firebrand Elizabeth Warren. The Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment secretary-designate has gone on record arguing that “poverty is re- ally more of a cholce than anything else.” James Mattis. Trump's new defense secretary, Was opposed by a single sena- tor, Kirsten Gilllbrand—the only Senate Democrat to vote agalnst virtually all of Trump's nominees. On January 29, Gillibrand tweeted her support for the national pro- tests that erupted in opposition to Trump's racist immigration ban: “I'm with you. | support you. And I'll never stop fighting for our immigrants and refugees,” During Obama's first six years In office, the Senate blocked executive nominations more times than It did In the preceding 28 years combined. —Evan Malmgren

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