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Assessment Rubric: Digital Image Essay in PowerPoint Name:

Evidence: Ability to construct an inventive PowerPoint Final Result:

presentation that represents environmental
landscape around you. The images are to be
labeled with a title. The digital image essay
should end with a brief description
interpretation of the group of images and
select a question you had about the
environment after taking the images.

Levels Criteria of evidence Results:

Exemplary: PowerPoint digital image essay inventively

constructed that clearly represents /20 points
environmental landscape around you.
Includes at least 5 digital images with titles.
PowerPoint ends with a clear interpretation of
the group of images and formulates a question
to extrapolate the environment around you.

Getting it: PowerPoint does not clearly demonstrate

understanding of environmental landscape /15 points
around you. Includes 3-4 digital images or is
missing some titles. Interpretation of the
group of images or question is unclear.

Lets try this PowerPoint has minimal creative effort and

again: does not clearly demonstrate understanding of /5 points
environmental landscape around you.
Includes less than 3 digital images and is
missing titles. Interpretation of the group of
images or question is not included in

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