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The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Peace at Camp David

On the 17th of September 1978 after a 12-day marathon of negotiations
took place at Camp David, a treaty was signed between the Israeli, Arab and
Western powers that would settle some of the issues that existed in the Arab-
Israeli world. 1976 and 1977 saw disputes and various events that made
peace look extremely unlikely, however with the determination of Anwar Sadat
to settle peace between Egypt and Israel, negotiations began to take place. At
Camp David in1978, President Carter of the United States met with Sadat and
Begin and despite the mutual hatred between the two leaders the Israeli
government agreed to compromise with the Arabs in order to protect self-
interests. A final agreement was reached at Camp David which settled some of
the Arab-Israeli tension, however the peace settlements gave rise to new
issues; in Egypt, Sadat was met with hostility at his betrayal to the Arab
cause, and Israel continued to expand and show aggression. Ultimately even
though some compromises were made at Camp David, the fundamental
differences, hate and suspicion still existed between the two powers, resulting
in what historians describe as cold peace.

Important Dates: Menachim Begin (1913-

9th November 1977- Sadat invited PLO leader Leader of the Likud party,
Arafat to a meeting of Egyptian parliament. former Irgun leader and
19th November 1977- Sadat went to visit Israel arch-nationalist. Dogmatic
in an attempt to mediate. and aggressive character
5th September 1978- 12-day marathon session Wanted to hold lands such
as the West bank.
of negotiations at Camp David took place. Supported by many Jews
17th of September 1978- Carter announced that because of his hard-line
the Camp David accords were signed in the White approach to dealing with
House. the Arabs.
March 1979- formal treaty signed, closed a
chapter in the Arab-Israeli dispute.
October 1981- Sadat assassinated by his own
army in Cairo.

Anwar Sadat Sadats Aims:

(1918-81) Determined to achieve security for
Served in the Egypt by dropping relations with
army as a Soviets and moved towards US and
member of the Europe.
Free Officer Also offered Israel recognition and a
Group. Vice permanent peace based on
President in agreements which would:
1964 Restore Arab lands
Proceeded Recognize the need for a
Nasser as Palestinian homeland
president in 1970 Provide secure boundaries.
Declared war on Israel in 1973. In Western world he was admired for
Received Nobel peace prize for his his efforts at peace. Time magazine
efforts of creating peace. called him Man of the Year,
Assassinated by Islamic military however he earned hatred from most
elements in 1981. Arab states, for treason against the
Arab cause.

I am ready to go to the end of the world, to their own homes, even

to the Knesset in search of peace. Sadat at 1977 speech

Camp David: In July 1978 President Carter invited Begin and Sadat
to the presidential retreat at Camp David.

Issues discussed:
West Bank
Palestinian homeland
Self government
Arabs and US both angered by the Israelis desire to build new
settlements in occupied land.
Egyptians wanted a return of their occupied land and Israeli

Sadat and Carter Why did the Israelis agree?

The planned 5-day meeting For the Israeli government, an

turned into 10 days. Sadat in agreement with Egypt would
frustration ordered a helicopter remove the danger of their
to leave but was stopped by most powerful enemy and
Carter. Carter showed Sadat secure the southern borders
pictures of Israeli leaders
of Israel. Surrendering the Sinai
grandchildren, and Begin was
was worth the price but to give
moved and said We cant leave
a war for these children to up more was going to be
fight. Two days later Carter difficult. Personal hatred
announced that the Camp David between Begin and Sadat made
accords were signed in the things more difficult.
White House on the 17th of
September 1978.

The Final Agreement was in two parts:

1. A Framework for Peace in the Middle East dealt

with West Band, Gaza, UN and resolution to the Palestinian
2. A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty
between Israel and Egypt- this was more
straightforward. Israel was to vacate the Sinai, restore
diplomatic relations with Egypt and secure the southern


Ambiguity of the wording of the agreement was deliberate,

in order to make the signing of the agreement possible.
Egypt: now met with hostility. Camp David agreements
regarded as a betrayal by the Arab world Egypt was
removed from the Arab League. Sadat assassinated.
Israel: continued to build settlements, refused to grant full
autonomy to the Palestinians, annexed the Golan Heights
and went to war with Lebanon in 1982.
The term to describe the peace at Camp David was Cold

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