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Everywhere around the world the societys expectation of business are changing ,
people increasingly expect business to be more responsible believing companies
should pay attention to social issue and act as good citizen in society. New public
issues constantly arise that require action. Increasingly, business is faced with
daunting task of balancing its social, legal and economical obligations.

Growing emphasis on ethics has changed the way how business and society move,
public expect business to be ethical and wants corporate managers to apply the
ethical principles and values. Fair employment practices, concern for consumer
safety, contribution to the welfare of community and human rights protection
around the world has become prominent and important.

Where in Pakistan things are moving on a different road, there are rules but not
followed at all for the betterment of society and business relation. Business in
Pakistan ignore the fact that society is related to business and they both effect each
other immensely. Business and society form an interactive social system who
influence each other; theyre both separate and connected. This thing is ignored by
business in Pakistan and profits are the basic priority by hook and crook and their
effect on society is ignored completely.

As for employment, circulation of money, technology and CSR are all connected
with business and indirectly to the society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is
considered to be now the challenge and basic objective of the businesses and
theyre somewhat ignored as the industrial waste and smoke is not yet put to an
end safely. Employees fear job insecurity as the management is not taking them
into accounts and their efforts are not well appreciated. Green product is still not
the primary job of companies, apart from that government policies are not in
accordance with society and business mutual advantage and not even rules are

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