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Kaya Wechsler

Datasheet for Extended Inquiry Project

WRT 205

Instructions: Please complete this survey to the best of your ability. Your answers to these
questions are completely anonymous, so please answer them honestly.

How old are you?

[drop down bar with ages]

What is your sex?

[male, female, other]

Have you ever been clinically diagnosed with any of the following:
Depression, Anxiety, OCD, or ADHD (or ADD)?
[yes or no] [if yes, please specify]

Have you ever considered you have one of these disorders, but never been clinically
[yes or no] [if yes, please specify]

How many hours a day do you typically spend using the internet (including social media apps)?
[<1, 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, >9]

On a scale of 1 to 10 [1 being the lowest], how would you rate your average self esteem?
[scale 1-10]

Choose the answer that best matches your feelings:

After scrolling through social media, my self esteem typically is
[higher, lower, the same as always, no effect]

On a scale of 1 to 10, [1 being the lowest], how would you rate your average level of happiness?
[scale 1-10]

For the following questions, the term addicted, in reference to the internet, is defined

being overly concerned about online activities, driven by an uncontrollable motivation

to perform the behavior, and devoting so much time and effort to it that it impairs other
important life areas
Do you ever feel as though you are addicted to the internet (and social media apps)?
[yes or no]

Do you know of anyone that you feel is addicted to the internet (and social media apps)?
[yes or no]

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