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SABuiding, Suite 5000, 500 South State Steet Te 738615 6388 F794 6473061 SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN iS COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, ‘Andrew D. Martin, Doan Professor af Political Science January 12, 2017 Dear Sarah, ITISMY GREAT PLEASURE TO CONGRATULATE YOU on your admission to the University of Michigan's College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA). Thope you'll deem this letter both aec~ cognition of your achievements and a source of pride as you embarkupon a great and exciting challenge, the intellectual journey of lifetime. Talso hope that you will accept this invitation to become partof'a ‘unique community dedicated to shaping the leaders of tomorrow while tackling the challenges of our day. AtLSA, we leverage the strengths of one of the world’s leading public research institutions while simultaneously creating the close-knit intellectual experience that defines the nation's best liberal arts eolleges. That starts with our commitment to academic excellence and our outstanding faculty. ‘Throughout the College, we have world-class scholars conducting state-of-the-art research, with each tenure-track faculty member teaching undergraduates and creating a superior learning environment. ‘Here, you'll work closely with professors in the classroom and on research projects, and we encourage students to innovate, challenge assumptions, and apply knowledge across courses and beyond campus, ‘Through the LSA Opportunity Hub, you can make the most of what you learn by pursuing internships, finding mentors, and connecting with a broad network of employers and alumni. Our goal is to help you more fully explore your interests and passions, and to give you an even greater advantage to thrive after graduation in work and in life, And when you graduate from LSA, your training will allow you to succeed in a variety of careers. ‘Whether launching tech careers, entering the business world, aspiring to create remarkable works of art, attending medical or graduate school, or engaging in public service across the globe, our gradu- ates are prepared to adapt to emerging fields and to answer questions that have yet to be asked, ‘As dean, I celebrate our ability to offer promising students like you such a wealth of academic possibilities, along with the support and guidance for you to make the experience your own. It’s an approach that prepares you for allifetime, not just aliving. And it provides you the skills to leave here and make a difference in ways both important and unexpected, Thope to see you take your place inthe U-Mclass of202 Sincerely, Lo» ‘Andrew D. Martin, Dean Professor of Political Science ana Statistice Coltge of Taterature, Setonce, end the Arts BS, Thope to see you on Twitter, as well. 'm @ProfADM—use #Victors2021 ‘Ann bor Ml 48108-1382 Isaurich edu 366

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