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Chambless, Dianne L., and Thomas H. Ollendick. "Empirically Supported Psychological Interventions:

Controversies and Evidence." Annual Review of Psychology 52.1 (2001): 685-716. Empirically

Supported Psychological Interventions: Controversies and Evidence. 2017. Web. 04 Apr. 2017.

1. Would you define this study as primarily qualitative or quantitative? Why?

I would define this article primarily as a quantitative article due to its heavy evidenced-based practice

research. This article effectively identifies specific statistics and data specifically related to various

controversies within the realm of psychological interventions. There were over 25 treatment methods that were

identified and discussed in this article.

2. What method or research was conducted?

There were various methods of research being used to conduct this article. One way was to survey

current clinicians to gather data on what is productive and what improvements could be made. Another

method was to establish a task force that was used to create and distribute information regarding

various theories.

3. What were the data collection methods used in this study?

The data collection methods included using placebos to test psychotherapy, and utilizing experimental

design to establish the best treatment methods for various sample sizes. The research for this article was also

gathered through clinical trials and bling assessments.

4. What conclusions did the authors draw from this study?

The conclusions from this study showed that each individual group had their own separate approached to

evaluation of treatment methods. Another conclusion drawn was that some companies misused and

mismanaged companies in order to disenfranchise malpractice suits.

5. Describe your own personal reaction to this study. Do you think that it was valid? Using your critical

eye share whether or not you think this study is important for the real school setting.\

Overall I believe this was a decent article. It could have focused more heavily on qualitative content.

I would certainly consider this article to be valid. I think this study is very important for the real school

setting because outcomes proved to should drastic improvements that are available for various

treatment programs.

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