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WFLN: ___________________

Kahoot! Activity Sheet

(1) Nicky's teammates clapped for him as Coach Bacino

led he to the ambulance. (2) Everyone wished him good
A luck at the hospital. (3) I'll be okay," he assured them
bravely. (4) "Hey you guys, -- win this one for I, okay?"
(5) Them all promised to do just that.

(1) And then in an instant, everything changed. (2) Andy

Norton squeezed his eyes shut and swung. (3) SMACK!
B The bat hit the ball dead on. (4) It rocketed toward the
mound, where it hit Nicky right in he pitching arm. (5)
There was a sickening sound on impact, and the ball
ricocheted all the way to first base.

C At night Sam opens her window to look at the stars.

David, John, and Michael enjoy playing soccer. They

D love teamwork.

(1) In the space of a few vertical feet, the elevator itself

went from terminal velocity to a dead stop. (2) The
sudden deceleration flattened all three of the children
E themselves to the floor. (3) The door opened. (4) Three
large men themselves blocked the entrance to the
underground garage. (5) Themselves obscured their
faces with desert head scarves.

The submarine went under water. It descended many

F feet.

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