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EDUC 350 Field Notes- Chapter 11 High Behavioral Expectations

In the chart below give one concrete example of when you saw each technique in action. If you did not see it then de-
scribe a situation where you believe it may have been helpful.

Radar This was observed when Tristen was off task and goofing around. The reminder wasnt as subtle
as it could have been from Mr. Thomas. Pastore's Perch positioning was used.

Make Compliance Visible This was witnessed during the photo unit b a command of "I need to see everyone's eyes" instead
of students looking at their computer screens. Something that could work in the classroom is
"I need computer screens at 30 degrees"
Least Invasive Intervention This could have been achieved by setting a stick note on the desk of an off task student. This
could have also been in the form of a hand gesture to the student as well to save time in walking
over to their desk.
Firm-Calm Finesse Using "thank you" to a student after correcting a poor behavior was witnessed in our class. Torin
was not paying attention and distracting other students and after correcting his behavior, Mr.
Thomas thanked him for correcting. This shows the students a level of respect.
Art of the Consequence During the first day of class when the student were talking during attendance they lost their
freedom to choose who they sat next to. Ms. Thomas implemented them back to their assigned
seats. They didn't have issues for the rest of the semester with attendance after that.
Ms. Thomas has a pretty strong voice in the classroom and doesn't let the volume get to loud.
Strong Voice
Her tone stay pretty consistent with the kiddos. Even when she is disciplining students her voice is
What To Do What to do sequential was effective in photoshop when using free transform tool "right down these
steps" when I write them on the board. This was formulated by edit>transform>free transform.

Below, please explain your example(s) of 1-2 techniques and how they helped set high expectations for stu-
dent behavior.

Using the technique of firm-calm finesse allows the students to see that you respect them, as well treating
students like adults can add a level of understanding to the classroom. Using please and thank you is a way
to gain the respect of students. Treat other the way you would like to be treated. Teachers are role models
students and when teachers model proper behavior students will pick up on it. What to do helps students to
visually see an order of how to get to a solution. This is especially effective with technology.

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