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EDUC 386 Documentation: Extra-Curricular Event

Name of event: Webber Night Out

Date of event: April 28, 2017
Time you were there: 5:30-7:30

Webber Night Out is an extra-curricular event held to get students out
interacting with each other and a controlled environment. WNO
promotes kids having fun and being physically active. There are a
multitude of different things the kids can do at WNO including indoor
sports, bouncy obstacle course, games, movie, and a dance, with fun
opportunities like a photo booth to make some lasting memories. I
arrived at WNO not knowing what to expect. The kiddos were running
up to the door of the Webber ready for a fun-filled night. I made my
way in waited for instruction. I was placed to help assist the gentleman
running the photo booth. He had me cutting the photos in half when
the students got done. There were a lot of students getting funny
pictures while dressing up in silly costumes. I didnt really get to
experience the whole event as I was really locked in to cutting pictures
and there really wasnt a slow moment.

What did you learn?

I learned the appreciation and need for teachers help at extra-
curricular events like WNO. There was a massive amount of kids
attending and the staff truly needs all the help they can get. I actually
had a pretty good time and saw some students from my 350
classroom. Other than that it was fun helping out at the school dance
party. It had been about 15 years since I have attended a middle
school event like this.

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