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CodeKit - THE Mac App For Web Developers

CodeKit: THE Mac App For Web Developers

Then, when you're ready to dig in and see CodeKit at full power, watch the
video tutorials below. They're the fastest way to get up to speed!
Note: these videos were made using older, beta versions of CodeKit, so not
everything in them is accurate. I'm working on new videos. In the meantime,
these will still get you up and running.

Less, Sass & Stylus

See how CodeKit makes it dead simple to use Less, SASS, SCSS or Stylus as
a replacement for pure CSS. If you've never used one of these languages,
you're missing out!

JS + CoffeeScript Basics
Find mistakes in your Javascript with JSLint or JSHint, then minify it
automatically. Compile CoffeeScript easily and debug in real time. Watch this
video and start coding faster.

JS + CoffeeScript Imports
Ever wish Javascript had an @import statement? It does now. Combine and
order files via drag-and-drop or with a single line of code. Have a change of
pants ready.

Use the same files across multiple projects without duplicating them. Keep one
copy up to date and all your projects can pull that code. Watch frameworks in

Image Optimization
Who likes fat image files? Nobody. Until now, optimizing images was a bit of a
hassle. Now, it takes just one click to reduce the file size of every image in your
I f$#!ing hate Apple, but I just bought a Macbook so that I can use your app.
Such is my passion for web dev and purty code.
--- Corey Birnbaum
"Is this CodeKit thing supposed to be any good?"
--- Josh D.
"Wait... aren't those the buttons from Transmit 4?"
--- Panic
"CodeKit is what I've been dreaming of."
--- Dylan Smith
"That's nice, dear."
--- Mom
"Son of b$%!@, those ARE the buttons from Transmit 4!"
--- Panic
"Woot woot!"
--- Girlfriend's reaction when CodeKit went live
--- Girlfriend's reaction when I explained what CodeKit does
"Bah, you can do almost the exact same thing from the terminal with these 5
bundles, 87 commands and an impossible sense of superiority."
--- Smug Neckbeards
"A little bit like porn for frontend developers."
--- HirseBirse
"DAMMIT, he's even using the same black background as Transmit 4! Joe,
wake up Cabel! We're gonna have to create a whole new $@#!ing section on
the website for THIS guy."
--- Panic
"This thing is gonna look great in pinstripes."
--- John Gruber
"I say, mighty cool."
--- Simon Pedersen
"CodeKit looks very promising. ExpressionEngine developers; get your stuff
together and try it!"
--- Filip Vanderstappen
--- Wil Shipley
"One app to rule them all. One app to find them. One app to bring them all and
in the darkness bind them."
--- Thierry
"Wow. CodeKit is hawttt."
--- Paul Irish
"Thank God; he didn't quote any Apple employees this time."
--- Tim Cook
"You are SO lucky Samsung's being a little bitch right now, or we'd totally kick
your ass."
--- Apple's legal department

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