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Thanks to Christian rules, and the educated man versed in science may make its own right and those crooked
schools. This also provides an opportunity to achieve safer and avoids disappointment.
1. What man does he need? It must fit correctly to the things of this impersonal world of appearances, before God
and men. The first is called the philosophy, the second policy, the third religion.Without these three, the man is not
human, but only a creature devoid of reason, it is saturated with wealth, honor and all material goods. One patient
had no use for a bed of gold. A brilliant life is of no use to a fool. "The wise man's eyes in the head, but the fool
walks in darkness" (Eccl.2, 14). Because the goal of wisdom and culture is not to follow the man as an animal, the
movements of the mass moving where it should not go. It should be clear to him his own life and destiny and
comply with an intelligent, the consequences of past, present and collect wisely, looking towards the future.
2. Do we need a lot of things to turn this light of wisdom? If men are led by God, only the fear of God, prayer, and
three books will be required. The fear of God to avoid becoming reckless or negligent, driven only by the casual or
simple curiosity. Becoming like God is a sacred thing. Each must be approached with respect and humility. The fear
of God was the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1 7) 1. The fervent prayer is to show us. We did not deserve, but with
the hope placed in the mercy of God, we can access sources of Light and Hi. Daniel and Solomon have acted much
more wisely than all other men. They had access to wisdom through their prayers, and to other property. She is
promised to everyone, if he invokes God to get (Jacques 1, 5) 2. The source of all wisdom, the word of God from
above, expressed in three ways: first, it is introduced every rational creature, angels and men, as a light of reason,
secondly, he stamped his Seal on all bodily creatures that inhabit the world, and thirdly, it was proclaimed by the
messengers of God and prophetic language setting on his order.Thus, there are three paths to wisdom. The first is
common sense, with a power of discernment natural light of reason, the second is the world's creatures to be
submitted using the sense and the third is the book of the Bible full of mysteries revealed .They can be probed by
faith. These three divine books contain all the necessary knowledge. They are required to access the unique
3. Learning the wisdom is it easy or difficult? Both. It would be a real joy and great pleasure paradise for our soul,
fashioned in the image of God, doing everything according to God's guidance. But because of its degeneration, all is
maze tests of Sisyphus and huge disappointments.
4. That explains it! According to the will of God, philosophy should allow legitimate domination of man over
everything in the world of appearances, to all creatures subject to him. This domination is possible thanks to a
benevolent interest to them, to a reasonable government and intelligent use. According to the laws of nature, politics
is a peaceful human coexistence, with the aim of mutual support in life and mutual assistance by the council and
action.Its basis is: do unto others what you want others do unto you. The essence of religion is the belief in God
when he reveals his will to obey his commandments, to believe his promises always and everywhere, in every
situation of life, without hesitation.
5. Is this easy? Yes, it did. But people have overlooked the garden of God they let grow brambles and weeds. They
left turn into a jungle. The number of appearances is so great, the number of opinions, points of contention
complicated and consequential differences of opinion, is infinite, countless books, apparently scientists have been
written about it and in several different languages. But confusion continues to grow, and how many different ways,
adding to the difficulty, have we not prepared to pass on to future generations! Many languages, including the
authors, wishing to appear learned, have striven to complicate things to infinity by mutual rivalry. All writers have,
therefore wandering in a labyrinth without end, raise enormous rocks and can only be victims of cruel
disappointments and shame.
6. But how? You say: these things created by the hand of God as an artist, that is to say, our reason, the world and
his words are a maze? I say yes. Because of their diversity and numbers are huge: you can look here or there or
elsewhere a beginning or an end and never find them. The sacred books have a meaning so deep and diverse:
human reason has not yet probed and understood until now. Can you count the thoughts about them have arisen in
the minds of physicists and philosophers, mathematicians and historians, politicians and theologians, the sticking
points in the daily agenda and opinions from thesesticking points? Why does God in his infinite wisdom, he
delivered these treasures to the investigation of thought? Solely in order to mislead the mind of man and to do
search in vain? No, but to perceive more clearly the difference between him, creature and creator.
7. If that is the goal, the reflections on this subject can they be harmful? It would not be so if men were humble, and
if they learned to be mere students of eternal wisdom. But the majority of them acting so brainless they only like
them too much pride. They are adoring their little sparks of mind as to a sun. They expect others to behave
similarly. This is the origin of all objections and disputes proudly named "differences of opinion among learned
men. They have so saturated the world! Endless are the hostilities and mazes!
8. But we have books in which are gathered the treasures of righteous thoughts? N'apportent they not have a clue
wisdom?Yes, they should preserve any deviation and show the man, so easily imbued with his own wisdom, the
true path. But these books in their present state are in fact a maze more who plunges without a guide. Their number
is too big and life is not enough just to read one thousandth. The material is too dense to make it possible for a
human brain to come to the end without being dizzy. Many books have a decorative function. Not very useful and
sow confusion, do not really clear. They are actually very dangerous. This explains the impressive number of
supposedly learned scholars and crackpots, but the scarcity of true scholars and sages. Because "God destroys the
wisdom of the wise and he rejects the reason of fools" (1 Cor. 1, 19) 3. If you see a big book or better yet, an
extensive library, has compassion for humans plunged into distress. They torture the spirit with many labyrinths and
finally did find it but shame. The gourmet delicacies attract finally disappoint with nausea, sickness and premature
death, and the temptations of knowledge in many different books in mind that n'apportent satiety dangerous, contain
the frustration, illness , and dieback. The most sensible already starting to worry, if nobody can stop this huge and
growing deluge of books, it is feared that men do not read anything. They do not believe in anything and atheism
and lack of faith cover them all. We already see the beginnings here and there, especially among people who think
themselves very advanced.
9. So what is the advice you can give for that reading books does not become a labyrinth? Stand in a unique and
indispensable book and do not let them persuade waste your time with useless books. Do not read many books, but
good books. Choose a classic book on a given subject, one that will bring an objective truth. And keep away with
it. Read it carefully, take notes on the essential things and do not let it frustrate the writer. Do not give it too
much. Next, reread the excerpts again and again, that it permeates your memory and tries to make a practical
application of your playback. So most good writers can enter your flesh and blood. So you shall eat the pith of
wisdom. Thou shalt not just in your notes, but especially in your heart and in your head. If schools wanted to use
that method, they would spare not only youth but also to the church, the state and the world to make many mistakes
and take the roundabout way of illusion.
10. You dare ask so little for such an important matter? Yes, I dare reference to Christ who said: who follows me
will never walk in darkness but will have the Light of Life (John 8, 12), should it decide to follow this guide and the
light (c that is to say when he agrees to set aside the books written by men and seeks enlightenment in the only
books of God.) It's the right choice made by Mary when she sat at the feet of Jesus listening to his speech,
forgetting everything else around it.
11. The Bible itself is it not a maze for the human mind, with its passages mysterious and inexplicable, with its
deeper meaning?This is experienced by the beginner. But in reality the problems are not as great as they
seemed. Such a perfect project manager could want as a field of evolution for his wisdom (the world, the human
mind, his words) a place where there is perfect symmetry.Because any error is excluded in the perfection, the
humble and attentive students of God would not find it either. Although in our human imperfections we wander
from time to time, it will occur less often than those who follow other teachers if we allow ourselves guided by
God. He led on the paths of wisdom and the wise guide (Wisdom 7, 15) 4. And we have no shortage of advice of
God regarding our understanding of its wisdom, the book of creation, the spirit and the Bible.
12. What are these advice? In the first three: 1. Look for what you're looking at the right place, what concerns you
in you, regarding the world in the world, and regards God in God. 2. Do your research with the appropriate tools:
uses for the world the light of reason, to mind the light of discernment, for God the light of faith. Because the
material world under the rule of reason, sense, discernment governs the world of spirit and faith is the essence of
revelation. 3. Bring everything in equal harmony to avoid dissonance between thoughts, words and deeds of a
divine hand, and our senses, our reason and faith on the other. So only the light and truth may become permanent
for the honor of God and for our salvation.
13. Now, explain yourself more clearly so that our journey of creation does not turn into a labyrinth, but becomes a
garden of joy and delight. Keep track of wealth creation and every detail in particular. Consider first those whose
characteristics are being itself, such as the four elements and things that are coming, the meteors, metals,
stones. Then considers those who have their own life, being born, and vegetate die like trees and plants and
creatures that have movement and emotion, such as various animal species and ultimately the creatures made in
God's image can access to knowledge, such as men and angels. It could also store the corporeal creatures from the
number of their senses, from their sight, their hearing, their sense of smell, taste and touch them in five categories
and look under their constitution.
14. But the human mind is it not as a chaos and a labyrinth? This is not the case if it contains within its
boundaries. What do we mean by limits? It is their knowledge of numbers, measurements and weights given to him
by God. For God who made all things in moderation, weighing and calculating (Wisdom 11, 12) 5, he did the same
with the human spirit that it measures, weighs and calculates everything that surrounds it. For this, he has three
different gifts: 1. He gave some innate knowledge that underpin its power of knowledge, 2. Some hidden instincts
that allow him to choose between good and evil, 3. Some bodies and skills to find the good and avoid and reject
evil. These include three which all power of discernment of the will and power of human action - every man
possesses within him - are also known more generally the knowledge, instincts and skills. If we could classify them
in some way, something not yet done so far, it would not earn a labyrinth but a field or a well-ordered garden of
delights, giving more joy than can do the vast world.
15. But can we get some way to understanding a pleasant and energizing the word of God, the Bible? Yes, it is
possible if you have this firm conviction: this book is the letter sent by God to humanity, in which he tries to escape
the futility of things temporal and invited to enter his eternal happiness. You have become convinced that God has
brought His revelation to man, he asks her obedience and promises more than this world and finally, the study of
this book is completely different from all other books of men .
16. Whoever reads the Bible must be convinced that this book, given to us, the outcasts of paradise is a great
warning of God on our folly to have abandoned him as our source of life, and misery in which we we ourselves are
precipitated. And a demonstration of mercy given to him by repentance. Thus the Bible is a book of great need as
there is none else in the world, we avoid the descent into hell and gives us access to eternal life and salvation.
17. To understand the essence of this book distinguish revelations, commandments and promises. The human
equivalent would be the faith, obedience and hope. It is revealed that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, which is not
ascended into the heart of man (2 Cor. 2, 9-10) and this that human reason or discernment and have discovered if
God himself has not revealed (such as what preceded the creation, what will this world, what happens out of this
world, what is in the heart of God and the divine thought about us). What God revealed to the believers by His
Spirit, we apprehend with faith, stronger than any experience because of divine nature (Heb. 11: 1) 6. The
commandments of the Holy Scriptures are so grandiose that the man did not have the strength necessary to
accomplish without the help of the Holy Spirit. The revival is essential. We must become new men, with mental
power turned to the divine beings truly the image of God. But this is only possible if we humbly submit our entire
being to the merciful will of God. " Above! What no man, no angel, no world can promise us the Holy Scriptures
we promise: eternal life with all its attendant joys, the source of all happiness, God is the farefor those who have
purified their heart and turned to him (Gen. 15, 1) 7. It remains inaccessible to all human hope, believers will come
with divine hope. That they are hundred times ready to give up any sense at all mental outlook as the reason, yes, all
terrestrial life with all it offers to do more tender to the eternal and timeless. The Apostle evidenced when he praises
acts of faith of the saints of old (Heb. 1) 8.
18. If someone wants to draw light and divine the truth of this holy book, and especially the supernatural power of
faith, love and hope, he must first study it more than any other book men.Secondly, it must begin its study very
carefully and thirdly not just the theory but act.
19. The Bible requires a thorough study because it contains the greatest treasures, the treasures of enlightenment,
truth and salvation. But only he who asks, seeks and get hits (Mt 7, 7) 9.'That book of this Act is still on your lips
meditate day and night to ensure act according to all that is written. Then you'll be happy in your business and
succeed "(Joshua 1: 8) 10. . But delights in the law of Yahweh, but murmurs his law day and night "(Ps. 1, 2) 11,
and further:" I love your law! All day long I meditate and more than all my teachers I am fine, I meditate on your
testimony. More than my old intelligence, all your precepts, I keep them "(Ps. 11 912, 9713, 9814, 10015).
20. We must exercise caution when studying the Bible. Light and darkness are both present, there are examples of
wisdom and madness, truth and falsehood, fidelity and infidelity, love and hate, hope and distress. This is the
paradise of spiritual: it is not just a tree of life, but also a tree of knowledge of good and evil fruit fatal.The Tree of
Life is represented by the revelations, commandments and promises with the example of holy people who lived by
these precepts, the tree of knowledge of good and evil is represented by the mysteries, taboos and threats with for
example people who have lived a life of wicked and unreasonable and know neither fear nor care. Whoever then
decided to enter the biblical paradise, took the firm resolution to remain under the tree of life and avoid the tree of
knowledge of good and evil, that is to say that began studying the Bible not to be more learned, but to be more
holy.Who does not stand for that resolution, quickly and easily fall into ruts. But who aspires to become better, find
the way of life. He will be given in addition the very life and what seemed impossible, even earlier than those who
only look out of curiosity to understand the mysteries of God. Every reader of the Bible should know this practical
method. I'd like to explain a little more.
21. The Bible is a book quite practical, in which God uses his justice against his rebellious creatures. He describes
the justice of his court in many instances and in every way. It shows men what they should know and ordered them
to do what they have to do. He promised obedience to what they are entitled to expect, he blessed the pious but he
felt its just hard to unbelievers. If you want me to know everything about men divine process and tempter, Satan,
and if you want to avoid your misfortune, pay attention to the following: a thing must be clear, the situation of
modern man is no different than other days, each following the advice of unfathomable God, the choice between the
heights and depths, between justice and sin, between life and death. He who overcomes shall receive the crown of
everlasting life, but whoever dies will only curse and damnation, as Ezra says. Second, know that Satan is the same
today as yesterday, he is our enemy and we desire for our salvation he continually tries to trick us in countless ways
and no one is sure of himself. Think about the fact that God cares about us constantly and fight Satan and we
deliver it, he does not abandon us if men do not leave. The Scriptures show numerous examples. They expose the
many tricks of Satan with which he tries to distract the men, but they also show the many aid and guidance that God
gives us to help us. He sometimes uses the words soft and lifesaving lessons, sometimes reprimands and threats,
sometimes the signs and miracles, sometimes corrections and blows, and all that God has given men throughout the
ages - all this is contained in the Holy Scriptures.
You do not be surprised if you have two germs in you, as does everyone, a seed of goodness from God, the giver of
all good virtues, and a germ of evil from the wicked sower the devil. As every man is a world unto itself, with its
sky and its land, water and fire, its matter and its spirit, its light and darkness, movement and lack of movement, and
in each individual reflects the history written by God. Everyone has his God and the devil's paradise and hell, his
tree of life and death of his tree, his efforts and struggles, victories and setbacks, the Cain and Abel, in short, the
seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent in the sense that one must pass to dominate the other.
22. If one can often read the Christian Holy Bible, it will be useful not to consider it as an ordinary book that does
not concern him.He will find, as in a mirror, the situations in life. He should always try to imagine being in the
situation described, whether or not pious; it still applies to himself the words and acts in question.For God an
overview of all ages for eternity and he knows everything that happens and is always the same God timeless.He said
the same thing as the other one in the same position and he uses the same precepts, according to the criteria of its
eternal justice. He returns good for good and evil for evil. You can experience it, dear Christian, if thou hast not
done. Start by reading your Bible, trying everything in your power to make what pleases God and turn away in
horror of what he dislikes. Then you will be led from light to light, from virtue to virtue, to the just God of Zion (Ps.
84, 8) 16.
23. But you must not despair if you do start to harvest the good fruits not using this method. Everything must be
done in stages, no teacher is ever fallen from the sky. As our schools are reasonably divided into classes, we can say
that this high school in the wisdom of God is also divided into classes. Its purpose is none other than the apostles,
that is to say each man teach wisdom and make it perfect in Christ (Col. 1, 28) 17. His book is teaching the book of
God, the Bible. But it takes three things to reach this goal: 1. Knowledge of the history holy 2. The true
understanding of all aspects of faith, love and hope; 3. The turnaround to become a new man in the image of God in
perfect righteousness and holiness (Eph. 4, 24 18, Cols. 3, 20 19, Cor. 2, 7-8 20). The first step may be compared
with the recruitment of Christians, the second in the battlefield and the third to victory and triumph. Or, to take a
picture of the Old Testament: the first step on the Christians are like the Levites who served in the courtyard of the
temple, on the second they are the priests who minister to the St. on the third, is Christ himself, they took the form
of Christ in perfection and, as a high priest draped in dignity, they are ready to enter the Holy of Holies in heaven.
24. The Bible is for Christians the only needed? Yes, certainly, if we seek, as God wills, wisdom, sitting at the feet
of Christ as Mary. It is true that the Scriptures are the throne of wisdom. But the other two books that accompany it
are not useless, namely the book world and that of the human spirit. They serve to prepare him the way we teach
and the external needs of life so that we do not act so foolish in this world if we are to achieve eternity.Raymond
Sebond showed in his Natural Theology how these two books can lead us on how the highest and most mysterious
of wisdom. He has left us a striking proof. It divides all creation into four parts, one part according to its essence,
another by his vegetative life, according to a third of its power and the latest sensation as the power of knowledge
and explains everything that concerns the knowledge of God the salvation of man, a so convincingly that it is
impossible to contradict. His complete work is 330 chapters and was published in Venice, Lyon and
Frankfurt.However, because of its density, its many repetitions and style a little rude and barbarous of the author,
this work is little read, which is a shame. It is for this reason that I did recently publish abbreviated and streamlined
in Amsterdam. But even in this form is not a commodity buyer. For the world does not differentiate between the
beads and waste and prefers to get lost in its labyrinth instead of seeking fi1 Ariane could get him out.
25. A yearning desire and inflated hopes of increasing light brings me to another short extract from the books of
God. I have already started working on this work which is entitled "Pansophia Christiana (Christian wisdom
Universal) in which I listed all that is necessary to man. If the heart is animated by a sincere desire for the things of
this life or the Hereafter, it will show the capabilities and potential applications to find the true path and surely
achieve the goal. This work, if I can finish it, will not only be useful to scholars in the schools, but to all men,
because it gives the clue to leave the labyrinth of this world. Unfortunately, this company has been vilified by
some. They see it as just stupid and think that it is unworkable. Few are interested and those who encouraged me to
continue. However, I can not count on any help, although experts say that this work far exceeds the strength of one
26. What is the advice given by Christ to rule the schools? If they decide to accept this rule, they should have the
sole master Christ and reject all other guides, especially those who are part of the mass of heathen blinded. The
main book in their library will be the Bible and other books written by man must be chosen with great care and can
not be taken into account if they are in accord with divine wisdom. And the only way they will recommend is the
method of Christ. It is only fair, since it seeks truth and not the outward appearance and what is illusion, it reversed
the throne of those who say "me, me, Lord" but do nothing.
27. And even if universities keep their former distribution in four faculties (philosophy, medicine, law and
theology), it would be good if a teacher can exercise over the need or the one thing necessary. It could give public
lectures and conferences on all these things we could do without for our greater good. It should also simultaneously
laconic speech of a professor who would teach the young people it is much better than talk a lot and talk to the
disgust of how hollow Asians. This is also part of the divine wisdom of Christ, namely, to know many things yet to
learn to keep quiet and not say that much in his relationship with God and men (Mt 6, 7) 21 . For a severe criticism
will be delivered by the judge the living and the dead about every idle word (Matt. 12, 36).

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