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Who runs the world?

A Conversation with Zapotec Elder

Doris Alfaro Mrquez

Date: Where: Time:

February 15, 2017 Chapman Center 7:00p 8:15p

Doris Alfaro Mrquez is a Zapotec tribal elder from the Mexican Isthmus of Tehuantepec
in the state of Oaxaca. She is a notable cultural worker and mediator between cultures. She
has been a leader and tireless cultural legal advocate, serving as a court translator for
hundreds of Zapotec tribal members. Doris Alfaro Mrquez has provided protection of
Zapotec legal and civil rights. She is also a cultural performer. With her partner and son,
she has performed throughout Mexico and internationally, presenting on Indigenous social
organization, Indigenous music, dance, poetry, and textile art.

The Zapotec are not only Indigenous tribal people in Mexico, but also in California
(through migrations in the last 50 years) and six other states. They are a woman-centered
society and a model of good governance.
Kansas State American Ethnic Studies own Distinguished Professor Dr. Yolanda Broyles-Gonzlez will translate.

American Ethnic Studies Student Association

President, Alonso Pea

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