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Justin Rattrovo

Debra Jizi

UWRT 1104-017

28 March 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Turner, PhD Rhonda. Prosthetics Cost. Disabled World. Disabled World, 20 Mar. 2017

Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

This article provides factual ranges for prosthetic devises costs from a member of the

medical side of prosthesis. Dr. Turner in the article also brings in the benefits of helping support

financially those that require prosthetic limbs and cannot afford themselves. Her article also

touches on different lifestyles of people and the overall wear and tear would force amputees to

get multiple prosthetics throughout their life.

The article shows its importance to my topic by breaking down the possible reasons for a

cost of a prosthetic to be high and example would be the materials used has a huge impact. The

numbers it uses are reliable, using surveys done by The California Health Benefits Review

Program that show the benefits of supporting financially amputees. This article answers the first

half of my question well while lightly touching on the growth of prosthetics. When Dr. Turner

talks about costs of prosthetics she talks about how there is still wear and tear on the most

expensive prosthetics and depending on daily activities need to be replaced every couple year.

And tying back to what was earlier said, the materials that they are made of have a big factor on

the longevity of the prosthetic which can cause replacement sooner.

The post itself was copied from an article that was written a few years ago, by Dr. Turner.

Dr. Turner is a license physician and was a practicing prosthetist for eleven years until she
moved her focus into breast cancer research and is currently with the AABCP as an executive

director. While said earlier the website might not be entirely credible but the article written by

Dr. Turner was written while she was in the forefront of her field and still provides valuable


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