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Nike Running Shoes TV

By Joe Dacinto, Jonathan Joensen, Lou Trigg
Introduction - Film Crew
Joe Dacinto - I am the Director for the TV advert film project.

Jonathan Joensen - I am the Lead Actor and Stuntman for the filming project.

Lou Trigg - I will be co-Producing the advert, working as a Boom operator, Camera
TV Advert Product
The product being advertised is Nikes running shoes. These shoes are meant for
the purpose of various activities. They are designed specifically to suit the different
kind of activities the wearer will get into. For the purpose of our advert, we have
decided to show the shoes benefits for the sake of parkour and how well they
Shooting Script (Shot List)

We spent the most on camera We tried to spend as little on other expenses

Production Schedule
Target Audience and Style
Target Audience is mainly aimed at male teenagers between the ages of 13
to 21.
Socio-economically targeted at groups E and above.
product to be accessible to all kinds of social class backgrounds.
The visual style of the advert will mostly be very fast paced in order to suit the
action that is taking place on screen.
The advert will start slow then build with the action.
TV Advert In Comparison to Others
We took some influence

Colours and lighting our own

Follows some of the codes

and conventions of other
TV Advertising Guidelines (OFCOM/ BCAP/ ASA)
This advert has no main controversies with the regulatory systems of BBFC or
It is possible however, that it could fit under the category Harm and Offence.
This category says: Advertisements must not condone or encourage harmful
discriminatory behaviour or treatment, Cant encourage violence, crime,
disorder or antisocial behaviour.
This may be an issue with the parkour theme.
Thank you for listening

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