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up 2x towards 2x in 5x at 2x on 4x

of downstairs before in the middle of over

with to by from about

A scary story

This Summer I spent a couple of days (1) friend Alices village. We stayed

(2)onher cottage, which had 2 floors. It was a remote village, (3) in the middle
of nowhere, lets

say (4) at. 2 hours far from the next village.

Alice and I were sharing a room (5) onthe 1 st floor; then one night just (6)
over.. 4.30,

a scream woke me (7) up

Oh no, Alice! I thought.

Immediately I looked (8) inher bed, but it was empty. I got out (9).to....bed
to the

room where Alice used to sleep, but it was empty, too.

I went(10) totrying not to make any noise; I had decided to be

courageous, but

(11)beforethat moment I saw a terrifying shadow (12)in..the kitchen and I

thought that it would

be a good idea to phone the police. I crept (13)up.. the dinning-room

because that was

where the phone was. However, I was looking(14) over.

my shoulder to keep an eye(15) before.the shadow, when I cut my hand (16)

with.a glass.

Im not going (17)to shout, I thought. But when I saw my hand covered

blood and discovered some more glass and more blood, I decided Im going to
shout!. So I

shouted so loudly that the shadow started to move, and it was moving (19)
on me! I picked
(20)up. a piece of glass (21)onthe floor to die (22)fromdignity
but when the owner of the

shadow appeared (23)of.the corridor she asked me:

Whats the matter?

Alice!!?? I said, but you are dead!

Oh, thanks.

No. The blood. The scream andthe glass

The blood is ketchup, the pieces of glass were the ketchup bottle and my scream

caused (24)the bottle when it fell (25) onmy foot.

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