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Patricia Fripps Opening Options the Words

Fripp works with individuals and organizations who recognize

powerful, persuasive, dynamically delivered presentations give
them a competitive edge.

1. I wish you could have been there

2. Ill never forget the first (last) time

3. It was one of the most exciting days of my life

4. It was the scariest moment of my life...

5. It was not exactly what I expected

6. What would the world be like without

7. I love your theme

8. If I were to ask you

9. Who would have thought that...

10. Remember the good old days? When

11. It was just one of those days

12.It never ceases to amaze me

13. Would it interest/amaze/surprise/shock you to know
Patricia Fripps Opening Options the Words
Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE
14. You have an awesome responsibility
15. Just like you I was brought up to believe
16. Come back with me
17. Imagine
18. Lets start with a history lesson/ love story
19. The year was
20. Suddenly everything fell into place
21. As I was growing up my dad/mother/teacher always
22. You know what it is like when
23. Would it interest you to know
24. To put this report into historical perspective
25. Thank you for the opportunity/ invitation to discuss
26. How often have you experienced
27. Who amongst us has not
Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE,
2012Patricia Fripp

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