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Anna Dubnkova comes from a family of

scientists, so a scientific field of study seemed

like a logical choice for her. Lucky for her, she
also found it intriguing. Although her parents
had hoped that she would study medical
chemistry, Anna chose biochemistry, a
fascinating alternative that she also hopes would
be less bloody than its medical counterpart.
After completing her bachelors in
biochemistry at Charles University, Anna went
on to study biophysical chemistry, the field in
which she attained her Masters. Currently,
Anna is working towards her PhD in the field of
physical chemistry. She is a part of Even
Bouas group studying structural membrane
biology, hoping to create new antivirotics
capable of targeting viral RNA and leaving host
cells unaffected as a result.
Although Anna spends most of her time
in the lab, she makes sure that she works in
enough time for herself wherever possible. Anna
wakes up early before clocking in for the day in order to go for a run. She is also currently
planning a trip to Krun hory with her friends. She loves the outdoors and hiking through the
mountains of the Czech Republic.
Without limiting herself to any particular project, Anna hopes that the work that she does
during her career can be beneficial. Her major goal for her work is to make a difference in the
lives of people. She believes that the project she is currently working on could do that if it
proves effective. Anna is inspired everyday by her fellow scientists in Evens lab and is very
happy that she ended up at IOCB.

Authored by Brandon Donohoe

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