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April 26, 2017

To Whom It May Concern,

We are students from Austin High School in Austin, Texas. Our names are Avery
Alexander, Sebe Shearer, and Gilly McIntyre. Were doing a Geometry project where we pick a
product that has wasteful packaging and redesign it, making a new prototype that contains the
same amount of product with less waste. We noticed that most cereal boxes are incredibly
wasteful, so we decided that we wanted to make our project about them. Since we love your
product, Froot Loops, we would like to see it be the first to change for the better by decreasing
airspace and packaging material used.

We first took the packaged bag out of the box and found the dimensions of the box itself.
Based on our findings, we found that the original cardboard box had a surface area of 2,264cm.
We also found that the volume of our cardboard box was 4,818cm3. After putting the packaged
bag of Froot Loops back inside the box, we found that the volume of the unused airspace inside
of the package was 1,679cm3, making nearly 35% of the air inside of the product unused.

Our newly constructed box is 20cm x 7.5cm x 21.5 cm, has a volume of 3,225cm3, a
surface area of 1804cm, and has an unused airspace of 0%. However, this airspace percentage
was achieved by having a box that bulges out slightly, but we think that if you increased the
height by a centimeter or two this could be avoided while still having 0% unused airspace.
Additionally, the surface area of the package was reduced by 20% and the volume of the package
was decreased by 33%. If youre worried about shelf appeal, the square-ish shape of our new
design is unique and is sure to make Froot Loops stand out in the aisle. Weve included pictures
of our new design enclosed. Please write us back with any questions or comments at 4502
Oakmont Blvd. Austin, TX, 78731. We look forward to hearing from you! Thank you for your


Avery Alexander Sebe Shearer Gilly McIntyre

Student Student

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