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English for meetings

1. Agenda (noun)
A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting.
You will find the agenda for this afternoon's staff meeting on the notice board.
If you have something you'd like to discuss you can add it to the agenda for next staff meeting.

2. Minutes (noun) The written record of everything said at a meeting.

Sally's is taking the minutes of this meeting.

3. Schedule (noun)
A plan for carrying out a process or procedure. A list of intended events and times.
The schedule for today's events is in an email that was sent out yesterday.
May be pronounced sked-yool or shed-yool.

4. Objections (noun) An expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition. A reason for disagreeing.

If you have any objections, now is the time to discuss them.

5. Record (noun) An official report of the proceedings that is kept so it can be reviewed at a later
Dan and John stated their objections to the plan, so that it would be on record that they didn't approve.

6. Attendance (noun) Being present at a place or event.

The staff meeting always starts with everyone singing an attendance sheet that is kept for the record.

7. Attendee (noun) A person who is present at a gathering.

The record states that there were 32 attendees at the March staff meeting, which means everyone was

8. Present (noun) In a particular place.

The company requires all staff to be present at staff meetings.

9. Absent (noun) Not present in a place, or at an occasion.

John was away sick, so he was absent for Tuesday's staff meeting.
10. Presentation (noun)
A speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience.
Sally is making a presentation to the whole company on the new products we will be releasing next year.

11. Training (noun) The action of teaching a person a particular skill.

John is training Adam to be the new manager.

12. Demonstration (noun) A practical exhibition and explanation of how something works or is
As part of her presentation, Sally will give a demonstration of the products that will be released next year.

13. Mandatory (noun) Required by law or policy. Compulsory.

Management have made attendance at staff meetings mandatory for all staff.

14. Compliance (noun) The state of following or meeting rules or standards.

The business needs to store all of its financial records for seven years to be in compliance with government

15. Adjourn (noun) To stop a meeting or an official process, especially a trial, for a period of time.
The staff meeting will be adjourned for a short break.

16. Reconvene (verb) Convene again (after a break of some time).

17. Convene (verb) Come or bring together for a meeting or activity.

The staff meeting will reconvene after an hour break for lunch.

18. Brainstorm (verb) A spontaneous group discussion to produce ideas and ways of solving problems.
John asked us to brainstorm ideas to boost sales over the next three months.

19. Chairperson (noun) A person chosen to run a meeting.

The managers take turns as chairperson for staff meetings, they make sure no one speaks for too long on one

20. Collaborate (noun) Work jointly on an activity or project.

John asked Sally to collaborate with Adam on their next project.
I think we should collaborate on a project in the near future.

21. Grievance (noun)

An official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair.
The manager of the department had to handle a grievance between some of his staff members.

Elaborated by Teacher:

(link to listen pronunciation)

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