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Unit Topic: Spring Concert Rehearsal

Symphonic Band

Lesson Objectives:
SWBAT demonstrate understanding of accurate entrances, syncopated rhythm, balance,
intonation, and dynamics by playing Wicked, reinforcing basic improvements made on Monday.
-All: more confidence in road map of the piece
-All: more understanding of written, syncopated rhythms
-All: improving note accuracy, balance, intonation, and melodic focus

National Core Arts Standards:

CR anchor standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.
PR anchor standard 5: Develop and refine artistic work for presentation.

Methods of Assessing Objectives:

1. Informal visual assessment

Materials: Students, Instruments, Sheet music, Everything required for room set up (chairs,
stands, podium) Baton, Score.


1. Warm Up (3-4)
1. Run Seal Lullaby

2. Tune (5)
1. Tune in sections with tuner and tune some individuals if needed.
2. Have them listen/tune/blend with their stand partner.

3. Wicked (5) (Whole) (Captures attention, allows students to make music immediately and
focus their energy, gets them into gear.)
1. Review chunks rehearsed on Monday
2. Beginning - m148

4. Wicked (20) (Part) (Trouble shooting based on the previous run through)
1. Dancing through life - listen to recording of the musical piece (5)
2. Rehearse Dancing through life section (5)
3. Popular - listen to recording of the musical piece (5)
4. Rehearse Popular section (5)

5. Synthesis of corrections (5) (Part to Whole) (Allows students to put back together the
information they reviewed and learned into context)
1. Put the trouble spots into context by running the whole piece
2. Give verbal feedback while playing larger chunk
-Posture, instrument carriage, wrists, etc
-State long term goals
-Show dynamic contrast in conducting (large/small)
-Warm up with D, A major, then some from the warm up book
-Dont let intonation go unnoticed

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