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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher: Julie Wiegers

Date Subject/ Topic/ Theme: Lesson 4: Name Triangles Grade: Fourth

I. Objectives
How does this lesson connect to the unit plan?
This is the fourth lesson in the unit plan. Students will learn that not only can they sort triangles by angles but they can sort triangles
by their sides.
cognitive- physical socio-
Learners will be able to: R U Ap An E C* development emotional
Identify triangles by their angles and sides R
Create a guide that will help them remember scalene, isosceles, and equilateral. C
Compare and Contrast different triangles E
Display group cooperation and teamwork X

Common Core standards (or GLCEs if not available in Common Core) addressed:
CC.4.G.1: Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional
CC.4.G.2: Classify two-dimensional figures passed on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a
specified size. Recognize right triangles as a category, and identify triangles.
(Note: Write as many as needed. Indicate taxonomy levels and connections to applicable national or state standards. If an objective applies to particular learners
write the name(s) of the learner(s) to whom it applies.)
*remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, create

II. Before you start

Identify prerequisite Students will know types of angles.
knowledge and skills.

Pre-assessment (for learning):

Students will take an online group quiz together Measure Angles with a Protractor
Formative (for learning):
Outline assessment
I will be walking around the room and asking students questions.
Formative (as learning):
(applicable to this lesson) Students will be making their own study guide about how to identify angles by their sides.
Summative (of learning):
Students will come up to front of class and identify types of triangles by their angles and sides.
Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of Provide Multiple Means of
Representation Action and Expression Engagement
Provide options for perception- Provide options for physical Provide options for recruiting
making information perceptible action- increase options for interest- choice, relevance, value,
There is a hands on activity with interaction authenticity, minimize threats
the triangles if students want to Students will be able to come up to
participate in that. the front of the classroom.
Students will be able to turn and
What barriers might this talk to partners as well instead of
lesson present? to me.
Provide options for language, Provide options for expression and Provide options for sustaining
mathematical expressions, and communication- increase medium effort and persistence- optimize
What will it take symbols- clarify & connect of expression challenge, collaboration, mastery-
neurodevelopmentally, language oriented feedback
experientially, emotionally, Students will work together to
etc., for your students to do take the online quiz at the
this lesson? beginning of class.
Provide options for Provide options for executive Provide options for self-regulation-
comprehension- activate, apply & functions- coordinate short & long expectations, personal skills and
highlight term goals, monitor progress, and strategies, self-assessment &
modify strategies reflection
Students will be able to self
assess and reflect on the online
quiz that is given.

Previously cut out triangles
Materials-what materials Whiteboard
(books, handouts, etc) do Computer
you need for this lesson and Projector
are they ready to use? Protractor
Student Activity Book
What Did the Boy Candy Say to the Girl Candy?

How will your classroom be Normal

set up for this lesson?

III. The Plan

Describe teacher activities AND student activities
Time Components for each component of the lesson. Include important higher order thinking questions and/or
-Online protractor quiz-do as a whole class For each question-students will answer on their
Motivation Measure Angles with a Protractor own and then they will answer as a large class-
(opening/ -Did we do better than you expected? allows for self assessment.
5-7 introduction/ -Did you personally get all the correct answers?
minutes engagement) -Do you think we need to go back and review
Draw the third side
How do you turn an angle into a triangle? Think
back to lesson
Development I want everyone to draw a right angle on their Take out a scrap piece of paper and draw the three
(the largest paperWhen you turn that into a triangle what types of angles and then form them into a triangle
component or are the other two angles? To show a right angle we
main body of draw a small square Both acute
the lesson)
Now draw an acute angle and turn that into a
triangle. What are the other two angles? Both acute

20 Now draw an obtuse angle and turn that into a

minutes triangle. What are the other two angles? Both acute

Turn to a partner and see if there is anything

similar about all three.
-How are all three the same? How are they

Great so now we know how to label an angle as
right, acute, or obtuse, we can name a triangle as
acute, right or obtuse

So we just learned that we can identify triangles Try to come up with ways---hopefully will come
based on their angle but is there another way you up with sides
think we can identify triangles?

We can identify triangles based on their sides Students will take out a piece of paper and fold it
1. Equilateral- three equal sides into three sections. In each section they will write
2. Isosceles- two equal sides about one definition and draw an example
3. Scalene-no equal sides
What can we write as the definition for
each one?
We show equal sides by putting a dash through the
sides that are equal.

Now that we know we can identify triangles by

angles and sides, do you think that we can use
both at the same time? Can a triangle be acute and
scalene at the same time? Or right and isosceles at
the same time?

2 Have previously cut triangles and have volunteers Students will try and identify the triangles based
minutes come up to the classroom and then they will try on the angles and sides-will say out loud to whole
and identify the triangles using angles and sides. class. The class will agree or disagree. If they
disagree they will explain why they disagree.
**Students will complete pages 283-288 in
student activity book. New corny worksheet will
be added-Why Did the Boy Candy Say to the
Girl Candy?**
Your reflection about the lesson, including evidence(s) of student learning and engagement, as well as ideas for improvement
for next time. (Write this after teaching the lesson, if you had a chance to teach it. If you did not teach this lesson, focus on the
process of preparing the lesson.)
I am very happy with how this lesson went. Instead of doing Measure Angles with a Protractor quiz on IXL learning, I did the
Kahoot quiz that I made. I initially had said I would do the Kahoot quiz in teams, but I ended up having the students take the quiz
individually. The students absolutely loved this. They were really into the quiz and were trying hard to select the right answer. What I
really like about doing a Kahoot quiz that I make myself is that I get to look at the results afterwards. I get to look at each individual
to see what questions he or she got right and what questions he or she got wrong. However, I made the mistake of allowing students
to put in nicknames. Next time I taught this lesson I would make sure that I had students use their actual name. However, when I was
looking at the results of the quiz the most wrong that a student got was three and there were ten questions all together: 13 students
got none or 1 wrong, 7 students got two wrong, and 3 students got three wrong.
When I taught the students about how to identify triangles, I had students write everything down on a piece of paper and draw an
example for each definition: for example, for equilateral they would draw an a triangle with three equal side and then write the
definition in their own words. I believe that that having the students write down the definitions with examples helped them to stay
engage instead of just listening to me and watching me write on the whiteboard, but it will also be helpful for them to look back at in
the future or when they are doing their worksheets. I also really liked the triangle activity that I had and wished that I had cut-out
more triangles. I had six triangles (previously made) and had volunteers come up to the front. I then gave each volunteer a triangle
and they had to decide on their own what type of triangle it was. The two things I would improve on for this activity in the future is
to have more triangles and have students raise their hands instead. Once the volunteer had decided what type of triangle they had, I
had them share it with the classroom. The class would then agreed or disagreed with them. I would have them shout it out, but for
next time I would have them raise their hands instead. I would do this because the class got very loud so it was hard to hear when
someone was talking. For next time I would say, Okay those who agree raise your handokay now those who disagree raise your
hand. If they disagreed, I would then call on someone to say why they disagree.


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