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Proper Stretching Habits

Pre-Workout Stretching routine:

Static Stretching (Hold stretches for 20 seconds)
o Forward Fold- Straight legs, touch your toes
o Right/left leg back- Bend your leg behind you individually, reach behind and grab your toe.
o Groin stretch- Spread your legs, bend over and touch the floor with your hands.
o Right/Left Shoulder across- Reach your arm across your torso, support with your hand.
o Sit and reach- Sit down and touch your toe. (Focus on tucking the chin)
Dynamic Stretching
o High Knees- lift knee to chest in place for 20 seconds
o Frankensteins- Keep legs straight, kick foot up as high as you can for 20 seconds
o Lunge with twist- step forward with one leg and touch opp. knee to floor for 15 reps each leg (Rotate
torso from side to side)
o Jog in place for 30 seconds

Post-Workout Stretching routine:

Static Stretching (Hold Stretches for 1 minute: Focus on deep breathing)
o Forward Fold- Straight legs, touch your toes
o Right/left leg back- Bend your leg behind you individually, reach behind and grab your toe.
o Groin stretch- Spread your legs, bend over and touch the floor with your hands.
o Right/Left Shoulder across- Reach your arm across your torso, support with your hand.
o Sit and reach- Sit down and touch your toe. (Focus on tucking the chin)

Make sure you drink plenty of WATER!!

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