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of Being ;Il#y,"lT;',T3;r.1.#i,l?fi
baby on her death bed. The
parents were frantically begging for help, every
treatment failing to aid. The parents became griefstricken
to the point of death. I am the doctor who
had that experience.
"This experience created a desire in my mind to
know why people arb born and why nature allows
such a great difference between members of the
human race. The hunger for knowledge drove me to
laboratories and libraries for the answer-but I am
still searching and determined to know."
These are the words of a prominent physician.
Unintentionally, he has spoken for millions of men
and women who today harbor the same thoughts.
This inequality of man is apparent to most of us.
You know persons who are radiant with health
from birth and seemingly immune to disease. You
know others whose lives are preyed upon by numerous
ailments which rob them not only of enjoyments
but of simple comforts. Also, there are those
men and women whose every plan becomes a
successful venture. Each enterprise they enter turns
into a golden opportunity-as if they had the touch
of the fabled King Midas. Around them, however, a
multitude of unfortunate beings live and struggle.

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