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When did World War I begin? When did

World War I end? 28 July 1914 - 11
November 1918
How many people were mobilised in World War I? More than 70 million

How long did the World War I last? 4 years, 3 months and 2 weeks
World War I? More than 70 million

years, 3 months and 2 weeks


Which country declared war on Russia in World

War I? Germany

Who killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand? A Yugoslav

Which size won the World War I? Allied

Who declared war on Serbia in World War I? the

How many people were wounded in
the Allied side during World War I?
Over 12,830,000

How many people die in the Allied

side during World War I? Around
How many people were missing in the
Allied side during World War I? Over
Why did United Kingdom declare war
on Germany in World War I? Because
Germany invaded neutral Belgium
What Luxembourg
forces were the main between
the Allies in World War I? Triple
Entente of the Russian Empire, the
French Third Republic, and the United
Kingdom or Great Britain and Ireland.
What forces were the main between the
Central powers in World War I? Germany and

What was the country allied with Germany and

Austria-Hungary that didnt join the Central
Powers in World War I? Italy

How many people die in the Central side

during World War I? Over 4,300,000

How many people were missing in Central size

during World War I? Over 3,600,000

How many people were wounded in Central

size during World War I? Around 8,400,000

What were the main location in World War I? Europe, Africa, the
Middle East, the Pacific Islands and China

What was the treaty that ended the World War I? the Paris Peace

What empires fell in World War I? German, Russian, Ottoman, and Austro-Hungarian

What was the trigger for the war in World War I? the assassination of
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

Which treaty meant the Russian defeat to Germany in World War I?

Treaty of Brest Litovsk

What institution was created in World War I? the League of Nations

, and Austro-Hungarian
When did World War II begin?
When did World War II end? 1
September 1939 - 2
September 1945

In which fact were approximately 11 million

people killed during the World War II? the

How many countries were involved in Wold War II

How many people were involved in World War II?

100 million

How long did the World War II last? 6 years and 1


What fact sets the beginning of World War II? the invas

What continents began their decolonisation after World

War II? Asia and Africa
What countries became the permanent members of the
United Nations Security Conuncil in World War II? the
United States, the Soviet Union, China, the united
Kingdom, and France

What country attacked to United States in 1941? Japan

What empires fell in World War II? Japanese and Italian

What were the countries that emerged as the main

political powers after World War II? the United States
and Soviet Union

What new international war began after World War II?

Beginning of the Cold War

Who was the leader of the USSR in Wor

How was the Battle of Britain in World

What country was at war against
Japan a couple of years before the
beginning of World War II? Republic
of China

How many deads were in the Allied

side during World War II? Over

Which side won the World War II? Alli

What countries declared war to Germa

Who was the leader of Great Britain

in World War II? Winston Churchill

Who was the leader of USA in World

War II? Franklin D. Roosevelt

How many civilians die in Allied size

during World War II? Over

How many militaries die in Allied

size during World War II? Over

How many militaries die in the Axis side

during World War II? Over 8,000,000

How many civilians die in the Axis side

during World War II? Over 4,000,000

Who was the leader of Italy in World War II

Had World War II campaigns in the African

continent? Yes, in North Africa and East

What were the names of the opposing

military alliances in World War II? the
Allies and the Axis

Who was the leader of Germany in World War

How many deads were in the Axis side

during World War II? Over 12,000,000
What were the two last causes why Japan
surrendered in World War II? the Soviet
Union's declaration of war on Japan and
invasion of Manchuria

What countries launched an invasion of

the Soviet Union in World War II? the
European Axis powers
When did the Axis advance stop in World
War II? when Japan lost the critical Battle
of Midway and Germany was defeated in
North Africa and at Stalingrad in the
Soviet Union.

Who was the leader of Japan in World War II? Hirohito

Who was the leader of China in World War II? Chiang Kai-shek

What institution was dissolved in World War II? the League of Nations

What were the main location in World War II? Europe, Pacific, Atlantic, South-East Asia a

What were the cities where the main atomic

bombings happened in World War II? Hiroshima
and Nagasaki

How did World War II in Europe end? An invasion of Germany by the Western Allies and

What is the deadliest conflict in human history?

World War II

What was the meeting that defined the end of

World War II in Europe? the Postdam Declaration
What was the pact which annexed European
territories to Germany and the Soviet Union in
World War II? Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

What new political institution was created after

World War II? the United Nations

orld War II? Hirohito

orld War II? Chiang Kai-shek

ntic, South-East Asia and China

e Western Allies and the Soviet Union

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