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Zachary Lane


Mrs. Thomas

UWRT 1104-030

Annotated Bibliography 1

The selection explains a study that tracked hundreds of kids from kindergarten through

high school and found that chronic or increasing levels of bullying were related to lower

academic achievement, a dislike for school, and low confidence by students in their own

academic abilities. The article is titled School bullying linked to lower academic achievement,

research finds, which was taken from the larger source of ScienceDaily, a website that publishes

scientific news articles gathered from all around. The subsections of ScienceDaily range

anywhere from astronomy to psychology. The article was a from a study completed by the

American Psychological Association and features quotes from lead researcher, Gary Ladd, PhD,

a psychology professor at Arizona State University. The target audience of this article is to

schools, including teachers and students, parents of students, and victims of bullying. Ladd

states, "I worry most about sensitive kids who are not being taken seriously and who suffer in

silence. They are being told that boys will be boys and girls will be girls and that this is just part

of growing up."

Children who suffered chronic levels of bullying during their school years (24

percent of sample) had lower academic achievement, a greater dislike of school

and less confidence in their academic abilities.

Boys were significantly more likely to suffer chronic or increasing bullying than

Schools should have anti-bullying programs, and parents should ask their

children if they are being bullied or excluded at school.

This article was fairly easy to read because while it still had scholarly information, it did

not include words that were hard to comprehend. This article is also applicable to my

question because a main part of my topic is bullying. The topic hits more on why the

victims are pick on rather than why the bully does it. The stance of the writer is that

bullying needs to be stopped and there needs to be more awareness.

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