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Zachary Lane


Mrs. Thomas

UWRT 1104-030

Annotated Bibliography 4

"Bullying Reasons: Why Do People Bully? Why Do Bullies Bully?" Urban Martial Arts. N.p.,

04 Dec. 2012. Web. 01 Apr. 2017.

This article covers and disproves a lot of the myths about bullying and why people bully.

The article starts off stating a myth of how most bullies bully because they have low self-esteem,

in which they go on later in saying how most bullies actually have higher self-esteem. The article

later gives five reasons on why people bully going into detail about each reason. The reasons

include: bullies have a strong need to be in control and exert their dominance over others, bullies

are rewarded for their bullying behaviors, bullies lack empathy and may even get pleasure out of

others pain, bullies lack the ability to self-regulate emotions, and bullies are heavily influenced

by their family backgrounds. The article establishes credibility by taking and quoting information

from other researches sources such as the Health Resources and Services Administration, and

Debra Pepler, Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at York University.

Children who bully others are often driven by the desire for power. They can be

impulsive, hot-headed, and dominant, and they enjoy being able to subdue others.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but the fact is that children often receive positive

reinforcement when they bully others, which only makes them continue their behavior.
Studies shown that bullies score low on tests of empathic reactivity, and have also found

that bullies can be more likely to develop anti-social personality disorder. This is a

condition that causes people to ignore the rights and feelings of those around them.

This article was easy to read, but still contained some good information pertaining to my

inquiry question. The article included information different from other article because it stated

bullies actually have higher esteem and get rewarded for their actions, which I found interesting.

This article helps a lot in my inquiry question because it proposes opposite information that

requires me to look more in depth about why people bully.

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