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Sam Harris -

Harris was born on April 9, 1967 to a secular household in Los Angeles. Harriss home
life was not a place that welcomed the conversation of spirituality and religion. Harris soon
attended Stanford University to pursue a degree in English and his growing interest in religion
and spirituality. He left school mid-way to study meditation from Buddhists, then after he
returned and finished his BA. He continued schooling to obtain hi Doctor of Philosophy degree
in Cognitive Neuroscience from University of California. Harris is a highly recognized author in
the field of atheism and philosophy. HIs debut book was The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and
the Future of Reason which was written in response to the attack of 9/11. The book
undermines the validity of religions. Despite his years of spiritual learning he contradicts
himself with the statement that religious beliefs do not hold truth or make any sense. (Home.).
Harris makes mention that the purpose of his writings and books is to obliterate an loyalty or
moral pretensions posed by Christianity. He centers many of his arguments on the naivety of
believing in God and the misunderstanding of evolution. Harris has toured with Dawkins as a
speaker of atheism and secularism. Harris, like Dawkins has made it very clear in their through
their own words that reconciliation and togetherness between theists and secularists is not
possible or even wanted. Harris continues to write and travel speaking perpetuating these
ideas. Both Harris and Dawkins are hugely relevant to our present culture because of how
much influence they have had. Their words about science and the strength of it has given

people the false pretense that any science is good science. This is dangerous because security
in knowledge breeds acting on such knowledge. This is very easily a situation that could be
good or bad.

"Home." FAMOUS AUTHORS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 May 2017.

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