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By Quinn Luthy, Isabelle Simpson, and Kina Ewig Ingredients: Separate egg whites D / 4 .cag whites. kept at room Preheat oven to 340 F. allow egg whites to sit temperature Whisk egg whites w/eream of tartar unt you reach a soft A pinch of salt T cup caster sugar V/2 teaspoon vanilla essence Ideal Ratio for batch w/Cream of Tartar: V6 tsp Cream of Tartar per egg white peak Gradually add sugar while whisking, sugar must dissolve Once the sugar dissolves, whisk until a hard peak forms Whisk in vanilla essence. Spoon mixture into a lined tray and bake for 15 hours While baking, reduce temperature to 200 F Wait to remove meringue until completely coo! & i D Meringues ore made by firs beating egg whites Gir into the egg whites. and unfolds the ‘om their natural. sh can then form bonds, creating a thin skin around onds are. so tight that they ‘om the skin, and create lumps of protein, However, if the protein bonds too tightly. it causes the foam shape to collapse. Cream of tartar keeps the meringues from collapsing by reducing the amount of protein bonds. thus keeping the meringues loose and fluffy and This pu proteins the air bubbles. These & force the water f stable. pes. The proteins We designed our experiment around testing diferent ratios of cream of tortor white, Cream of tartar prevents meringues from falling. m tartar makes thicker, flufier meringues. We tested the taste, flustiness. texture, and overall quality of the different meringues by using a double blind taste testing method, Students in our class filled out o survey to indicate the best ratio of cream of tortor ; egg white. We also tested a recipe of meringues that does not use cream of tartar at all cream of Resubls Most Flufy Best Overall Quality @ esse (9 nce een @ wears (9 Sree eae Best Texture, Worst Overall Quality

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