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My chosen idea is a print magazine that focuses on the theme and genre of Art. The
magazine will look at unheard of artists.

Hitler's art Kurt cobain's art Daniel Johnston's

I will be using a nikon camera to take pictures of art work done in college. I will also use
a tripod to make the images a better angle and compose the images so they will fit into
the magazine well.

I will need pictures and art made by students at the college that are of a similar nature
to the images above.

The main colours I will be using is white, orange and black.

White is just a general basic colour to make other colours
stand out and orange represents enthusiasm, fascination,
happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success,
encouragement, and stimulation. I feel that these
representations suite the theme of my magazine.

i like walina because

This is my layout of the three pages, i will probably

come up with a better layout during the production

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