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Pablo Mendez

Professor Lee

AAS 201

March 13, 2017

Debate Paper: African American Compensation

In the darker ages of American history, African Americans in the 1619-1865 were i

Imported as slaves treated as property to be bought and sold, denied citizenship rights, and

consi dered less than human for much of American History. Though the effects 200 years of

oppression cant not be undone, there has been attempts of compensating the African American

community. Though these benefits back fired drastically they have become the results of inner

city slums, public work projects, and living in a social climate in which youngest men and

women have lost hope of finding employment.

This can be fixed by having small local government spending a tad bit more to dedicate those

African Americans who have been raised on hardship and also to improve safety in their

environment, make jobs more easily acceptable for them, and also so they can thrive in the

modern era. iiThe United States was built on white republic we need to see more of African

Americans building up America. Though most of this is towards adults the African American

children are also not shown any mercy for the most part forced to attend crowded schools ad

often dangerous schools and walking down crime ridden streets.

Still to this day discrimination persists today. African American iiiworkers are overrepresented in

menial service jobs they are underrepresented in professional and managerial occupations, they

are twice as likely to be unemployed the legacy of slavery costs most African Americans to
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lack in a steady job and also lose in federal, state and local revenues allocated to social welfare

programs in order to maintain black households. Though this is a positive impact we must take in

fact that not all African Americans are given this same opportunity this needs to be more wide

spread through out the country.

With no political power iv it is extremely difficult for those who experience discrimination to

diminish it. Even in the past two presidential campaigns with the historic election of the first

African American president of the United States doesnt mean that theyre not still looked down

upon. The public should be a tad bit more supportive of the political views of African Americans.

Though now we can say that African Americans havent gotten the most up most respect and

right treatment we could say that no only did they acquire citizenship but also we have given

them much of our tax payers money to these programs that have been benefiting the African

American community and helping anymore would financially hurt the US economy if we help

them even more then what we have.

Compensating for African Americas would be impossible. In order for them to

compensate them for what theyve been through why should we people who have no background

of owning African slaves be punished for it. Also it would take time and money in order to track

down and look at ancestral backgrounds. We would be wasting money when that money could

have been used for the actual compensation of African Americans.

i American Ethnicity; Adalberto Aguirre Jr.; Johnathan H. Turner; Pg. 101

ii Racist in America 2nd Edition; Joe R. Feagin; Pg.57

iii American Ethnicity; Adalberto Aguirre Jr.; Johnathan H. Turner; Pg. 127

iv American Ethnicity; Adalberto Aguirre Jr.; Johnathan H. Turner; Pg. 131

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