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Pablo Mendez

Professor Lee

AAS 201

March 27, 2017

Native American Mascots Reflection

Before we went over this topic in class that week I can not recall ever thinking about the

Native American people and suffered they still try to overcome. Just as we discussed in class the

Native American people for most people are forgotten. We have stripped them from their land

their way of life and culture. It would at least make common sense to help these individuals get

back on their feet after the genocide we inflicted on them.

But instead we use them for entertainment purposes. For example, mascots do not depict

any other race other than Native Americans. And since they are mascots they are depicted to be

savages and do what the team owner says the half time shows they do show traditional Native

American dance. Too make a long story short it isnt traditional. It is rather a mockery to their

origins and religion. Native Americans deserve the respect for what theyve been through not to

be showboated and to be displayed as a use of entertainment.

Some solutions to this would be to at least change their names or perhaps change the

mascot. But as we know money talks and donators of these colleges and teams dont want the

teams tradition to be changed and also the team doesnt want to lose the their donators.

Many say it isnt to present them in a negative way its just a way to present the team and

also because its a tradition. Thats exactly what they said about painting their faces black to

present them selves as African Americans so what is the difference here other than its just

another minority thats in the spotlight.

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