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Procedure 1

Nancy Jaax

Date: September 26, 1983 (Page 69-87)

Procedural Steps: First I took off all of my clothes and put on a surgical
scrub suit. I then passed through the ultraviolet light into level 2. I then put
on some socks and went into level 3. I then taped my gloves to my
sleeves and socks to my pants. I waited for colonel johnson to put on our
chemturion biological gloves. After we both had the suits on we attached
the air hose to the suits and proceed into level 4. The walked down the
corridor to find the two cages of monkeys one with ebola and one without. I
entered the cage with the unconscious monkey and pinched its toe to see if
it was deceased. I then transported the monkey to the table to perform the
necropsy. I used scissors to open the monkey and used a scrub to clean up
the blood. Johnson used a rongeur to crack open the skull and take a brain
sample from the monkey.

Results: The results showed that there was a lot of hemorrhages inside the
body. This was when the colonel pointed out the cut in my suit.

Description: The purpose of this experiment was to perform a necropsy and

examine the brain of a monkey that had been infected with Ebola.

Rongeur Scrub suit Space suits Scissors

Procedure 2
Thomas Geisbert

Date: November 27, 1989 (Page 191-195)

Procedural Steps: First I collected the diamond knife from the cabinet and
carried the mass of cells to the counter. Then I inserted the diamond knife
in the cutting machine. I looked into the microscope and turned on the
machine that sliced the mass off cell into a thin layer that could be used for
observation. The thin layer was placed in a droplet of water and separated
with a eyelash. The droplet was put into the electron microscope to make

Results: I found out the monkey cells were infected with a virus that made
the cells swollen with black specks on them. The virus that looked like the
filovirus Marburg.

Description: The experiment was to analyze monkey cells to find visual

evidence that the monkeys were infected with simian fever.

Diamond knife Electron microscope Light microscope

Procedure 3
Peter Jahrling

Date: November 28, Tuesday (215-217)

Procedural Steps: I put on a biological space suit with inner gloves and a
scrub suit. I entered my own biosafety level 4 laboratory to start the
procedure. I collected the samples from the freezer and put them on glass
slides under a microscope. I turned off all of the lights and looked in the
microscope for any glowing.

Results:The result of the experiment concluded that the blood sample from
Dr.Musoke did not glow, the sample from Boniface had a slight glow, and
the sample from Nurse Mayinga had a bright glow.

Description: The experiment was to test three samples of blood had any
traces of the ebola virus. The blood will glow under an ultraviolet light if it is
infected with a virus.

Microscope slide Space suit Surgical scrubs

Prosedure 4
Bill Volt

Date: November 2nd, 1989 (Page 168-169)

Procedural steps: I first removed the desiest monkeys from the cage to the
examination room. First I opened the monkey using a scalpel. I then looked
inside the monkey to tell what caused its death.

Results: They monkeys appeared to have died from simian fever due to an
enlarged spleen and heat stress.

Description: The purpose of the experiment was to dissect the monkeys to

figure out what killed them.

Scalpel surgical mask surgical gloves

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