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Peripheral Edema and DOXYVA Transdermal Application as a Potential

Treatment Option

Peripheral edema is the result/manifestation of many diseases, inflammation processes, and loss of
body compensatory mechanism of chronic conditions, but the first pathophysiology disturbance is at the
capillary level (microcirculation). DOXYVA transdermal CO2 application has demonstrated to be
beneficial to improve blood flow by decreasing microcirculation blood resistance and improving venous
insufficiency. CO2 is one of the few local humoral mediators with the potential to modulate blood flow in
capillary beds. CO2 enhances the following capillary bed functions:

- Arteriole elastic retractions and vasomotion that allows constant blood flow through the
capillary bed.
- Reconstruct the role of adjacent closed capillaries.
- Promote vasodilation of the arterio-venous anastomosis without increased venous return.

Also, CO2 is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that helps ones circulatory system to perform better. CO2
especially helps ones circulatory system by increasing venous blood return to the heart and systolic
output by passive peripheral vasodilation, without increasing mean arterial blood pressure.

It is important that any patient who has edema needs to be followed/supervised by a physician because
there is the need to assess critical organ functions and etiology of the disease, like BP, venous
obstruction, low plasma protein concentration, or lymphatic obstruction among others.


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Western University of Health Sciences, College of Podiatric Medicine United States of America:

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