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Christopher Bryant

RWS 1302

Opinion Piece RWS

What is this opinion pieces argument? How effective do you think

the author is in conveying his or her point?

The opinion is killings of Christian believers can happen anywhere in the

world, not only in middle eastern areas. The author is effective towards his

point because he points out many places we wouldnt believe would be

involved in persecutions of Christian faith. Examples such as Mexico being

the one of the top countries killing off Christians. He creates a feel that

Christians are on being hunted rather than being protected.

How effectively does the author use rhetorical appeals (ethos,

pathos, logos)? Can you find an example of each appeal?

The author uses logos and pathos the persuade the reader. He uses statistics

and numbers of deaths to help support his argument. He also uses

information to create an emotional image such as bombings in a place of

worship. The author explains how Christians believed they were safe to

worship in their churches until a terrorism occurred.

What characteristics do you see in this opinion piece that you think

are common in this genre (think genre analysis!)? You can consider

its length, style, and use of sources, among other characteristics.

The opinion piece was a bit short, and the article seems rather dull than I

expected to be. The topic grabbed my attention, but the style of the piece

didnt have the projected outcome. The author did a good job on introducing

his opinion and giving evidence, but I felt it could have been more


As you work on your Online Opinion Piece, what can you take away

from this example? Having read this, are there any changes you will

make to your approach?

I can take the use of useful information that was used, and how it was

introduced. Also, I would make some changes to how I would have used

pathos to enhance the opinion piece. For example, the topic is a touchy and

could be used to the authors advantage.

Do you have any additional comments about your example? Does

anything else about it stand out to you?

No nothing really, like I said the topic is really interesting. It seems like

Christians are being targeted by terrorist. I would like to know why are so

much mass killings?

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