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Quotes on Writing: Robert Frost on Emotions 1/20
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and Poetry
Posted by Melissa Donovan on August 9, 2016

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words. Robert

Emotions are fickle. Sometimes theyre clear and brilliant: were happy, sad, frustrated, or angry. But
emotions can also be complicated, layered, and conflicting. Sure, were happy, but were also kind of 2/20
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annoyed about something. Were sad, but we also have something to be glad about. When emotions are
textured and gritty, they are difficult to describe. Read More

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Breaking Grammar Rules in Poetry Writing

Posted by Melissa Donovan on July 12, 2016

Do you break grammar rules in poetry writing?

Accomplished writers respect the rules of grammar the way an acrobat respects the tightrope grammar
might be intimidating and complicated, but we need it in order to perform.

Yet sometimes, an acrobat takes her foot off the tightrope. She does a flip or some other trick of physical
prowess that seems to defy the laws of gravity and exceed the potential of the human body.

Grammar rules lend structure and clarity to our writing and gives us common ground rules that we can use to
communicate clearly and effectively, just like the tightrope gives the acrobat a foundation upon which to walk.

So when does a writer take her foot off the rules of grammar so she can perform spectacular tricks?

Good Grammar in Poetry Writing

Im often asked by writers and poets how they should handle grammar, capitalization, and punctuation in
poetry. When it comes to grammar rules, is poetry writing the exception?

Many poets demonstrate grammatical expertise, neatly parking periods and commas in their designated
spaces and paying homage to proper capitalization. 3/20
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Consider the following poem and how it follows the

rules of grammar. Note that in poetry writing, the
traditional rule is that the first letter of each line is
capitalized regardless of whether or not it starts a new

Aunt Jennifers Tigers

By Adrienne Rich

Aunt Jennifers tigers prance across a screen,

Bright topaz denizens of a world of green.
They do not fear the men beneath the tree;
They pace in sleek chivalric certainty.

Aunt Jennifers finger fluttering through her wool

Find even the ivory needle hard to pull.
The massive weight of Uncles wedding band
Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifers hand.

When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie

Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by.
The tigers in the panel that she made
Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid.

Writing Poetry Without Grammar Rules

Poets dont always follow the rules, which is why poetry is attractive to writers who are especially creative,
rebellious, and enjoy coloring outside the lines.

Grammar rules, particularly spelling and punctuation, are nothing more than a creative tool for poets who
choose to dismiss the rules altogether or use the them to decorate and add aesthetic elements to a poem.

Many poets have skirted grammar with great success. Many more have failed. E.E. Cummings is well known
for giving grammar the proverbial finger, but he takes his anarchy one step further and actually alters basic
sentence structure, and manages to do so quite effectively.

anyone lived in a pretty how town

By ee cummings

anyone lived in a pretty how town

(with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didnt he danced his did.

Women and men (both little and small)

cared for anyone not at all
they sowed their isnt they reaped their same
sun moon stars rain

children guessed (but only a few 4/20
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and down they forgot as up they grew

autumn winter spring summer)
that noone loved him more by more

when by now and tree by leaf

she laughed his joy she cried his grief
bird by snow and stir by still
anyones any was all to her

someones married their everyones

laughed their cryings and did their dance
(sleep wake hope and then)they
said their nevers they slept their dream

stars rain sun moon

(and only the snow can begin to explain
how children are apt to forget to remember
with up so floating many bells down)

one day anyone died i guess

(and noone stooped to kiss his face)
busy folk buried them side by side
little by little and was by was

all by all and deep by deep

and more by more they dream their sleep
noone and anyone earth by april
with by spirit and if by yes.

Women and men (both dong and ding)

summer autumn winter spring
reaped their sowing and went their came
sun moon stars rain

Cummings has dismissed capital letters altogether and he uses punctuation seemingly at random. Yet the
poem works. Imagine it with the proper grammar rules applied and youll quickly realize that his way is more
effective for this piece and what hes trying to accomplish with language.

Poetry Writing Where Rules and Creativity Cooperate or

As the poetry canon grows beyond measure, poets increasingly reach for creative devices to make their work
stand out.

Toying with grammar rules is one such device, but it is not something that can be approached carelessly. If
you choose to forgo the rules because you dont know them rather than as a creative technique, your lack of
knowledge will show and the poem will present as amateurish. Of course, thats true for all types of writing:
learn the rules, and only after you have learned them, go ahead and break them.

I salute anyone who breaks the rules in the interest of art and great poetry writing just as much as I admire 5/20
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poets who craft meter and verse within the confines of grammar. So for this language-loving poet, either way
is the right way. Walk the tight rope or jump from it and see if you can fly.

What are your thoughts on applying grammar rules to poetry writing? Are you a stickler for good
grammar, even in your creative or experimental work, or do you like to bend and break the rules?
Share your thoughts in the comments.

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What is Prose Poetry?

Posted by Melissa Donovan on April 26, 2016

Have you ever written prose poetry?

The world of poetry is filled with various forms and structures, from haiku to sonnets. Today lets take a look
at an often under-recognized form of poetry: prose poetry.

Prose refers to writing that is structured in ordinary form sentences and paragraphs, not verse and meter.

And of course, poetry is a form of writing that emphasizes the aesthetic qualities of language, often structured
in verse. But poetry isnt always structured in verse, which leads us to the question: What is prose poetry?

Prose Poetry 6/20
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Prose poetry is simply poetry that is not written in line and verse. Its written in sentences and paragraphs.

However, prose poetry retains other poetic qualities that were familiar with: using poetic devices, imagery,
and rich language.

The prose poem is a composition printed out as

prose that names itself as poetry, availing itself of
the elements of prose, while foregrounding the
devices of poetry. Edward Hirsch

According to Wikipedia, a prose poem appears as

prose, reads as poetry, yet lacks line breaks associated
with poetry but usesfragmentation, compression,
repetition and rhyme andpoetry symbols, metaphor,
and figures of speech. Prose poetryis essentially a
hybrid or fusion of [prose and poetry].

Therefore prose poetry is difficult to classify. Some

might argue that its not poetry at all, since it doesnt use
line and verse, which is a defining feature of poetry.
Others argue that despite its structure, prose poetry
reads like poetry; it doesnt matter how its structured on the page.

A Little History
Prose poetry can be traced back to the haibun, a Japanese form of prose poetry seen during the 17th
century. Western prose poetry emerged in the early 19th century as a rebellion against traditional poetic
structures. Poets such as Aloysious Bertrand, Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud, and Stphane Mallarm
used prose poetry as a way to defy the conventions of the day. Throughout the 19th century, poets continued
to embrace the form.

Some of the most well-know poets to write in prose including Hans Christian Andersen, Rainer Maria Rilke,
Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, H.P. Lovecraft and Gertrude Stein.

The new form carried into the 20th century, with American poets writing prose poetry in the 1950s and 60s,
including Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and Robert Bly, to name a few.
And Charles Simic won the Pulitzer Prize for his 1989 collection, The World Doesnt End, which included
prose poems.

However, prose poetry was not embraced by all. T.S. Eliot opposed prose poetry, arguing that it lacked the
rhythm and musical patterns of verse.

What Do You Think?

Today, some literary magazines and journal specialize in publishing prose poetry, and you can find plenty of
poets who write poems in prose.

Have you ever read prose poetry? Have you written it? Do you think it qualifies as poetry, or should we call
it something else? 7/20
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The Personal Benefits of Writing Poetry

Posted by Melissa Donovan on March 29, 2016

What are the benefits of writing poetry?

Poetry writing is an excellent practice for strengthening ones writing skills. Through poetry writing, we gain
command of language, cultivate a robust vocabulary, master literary devices, and learn to work in imagery.
And thats just a small sampling of how poetry improves basic writing skills.

However, poetry has other benefits that are meaningful on a more personal level.

Writing has long been hailed as a deeply therapeutic practice. In fact, all the arts have therapeutic benefits.
But poetry imparts a broad range of emotional and intellectual benefits that are useful to personal growth,
whether were working on self-improvement, emotional or psychological coping and healing, developing
relationships, and even furthering our careers including careers outside of the writing field.

And while all forms of writing, from journaling to storytelling, can be therapeutic, poetry writing offers some
unique benefits.

Emotional and Intellectual Benefits of Writing Poetry

Whether you want to stimulate your intellect or foster
emotional health and well-being, poetry writing has
many benefits to offer:

Therapeutic: Poetry fosters emotional expression

and healing through self-expression and
exploration of ones feelings. It provides a safe
way to vent, examine, and understand our
Self-awareness: Through raw expression of our
thoughts and feelings, poetry can help us become
more attuned to whats going on in our hearts 8/20
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and minds.
Creative thinking: With its emphasis on
symbolism, metaphor, and imagery, poetry
writing fosters and promotes creative thinking.
Connections: Many people write poetry
privately, but when poems are shared, they can
inspire, move, and honor other people, forging
deeper interpersonal connections.
Catharsis: The act of creation of making
something out of nothing is a cathartic
Critical thinking: Through the expression of our
thoughts and ideas, poetry pushes us to challenge
ourselves intellectually.
Language and speaking: The practice of poetry strengthens language, writing, and speaking skills.
Developing perspective, empathy, and world views: Writing poetry often prompts us to look a the
world from a variety of perspectives, which fosters empathy and expands ones world view.
Cognitive function: Whether were searching for the perfect word, working out how to articulate a
thought, or fine-tuning the rhythm and meter of a poem, the steps involved in crafting poetry strengthen
our cognitive processes.

This is just a sampling of the benefits of writing poetry. Can you think of any other ways that poetry writing is
beneficial to your emotional or intellectual well-being? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment, and keep
writing poetry!

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How to Write a Poem

Posted by Melissa Donovan on February 16, 2016

How to write a poem.

Theres no right or wrong way to write a poem. There are techniques and methods you can learn, forms and
formulas you can choose, and writing exercises or poetry prompts you can use. But if anyone tries to tell you 9/20
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how to write a poem, take it with a grain of salt.

That said, there are some best practices that poets can experiment with. For centuries (millennia?) poets have
been honing their skills and strategies and passing what theyve learned to future generations. Some of their
wisdom may work for you and make your own poetry writing stronger or more refined. Maybe it will help
you write more prolifically or simply make the process more enjoyable for you.

So it makes sense to explore other poets ideas about how to write a poem. Dont take their advice as a
mandate, but try some of their suggestions, see what works for you, and discard the rest.

How to Write a Poem: Tips and Ideas

Today I thought Id share some tips and ideas Ive
collected over the years for how to write a poem. Some
of these came from books or teachers. Others came
from reading poems and studying poets. Some came
from personal experience. Hopefully you can use a few
of these to strengthen your own poetry writing.

Freewriting: This is one of my personal favorite

methods for poetry writing. It starts with timed
writing sessions (twenty minutes is good). Write
whatever comes to mind, no matter how bizarre
or nonsensical. Then harvest the freewrite for
interesting ideas and phrases. I have found that
daily freewrites can produce tons of materials
from which poems can be harvested.
Form and structure: Im not a huge fan of form
poetry, although theres a special place in my heart for haiku. But form poetry can provide a structure
that is very helpful for some poets, especially when the blank page is too intimidating or putting ideas
into a poetic shape is difficult.
Cut-and-Paste: This is another method I love, although it can be time consuming. Go through printed
materials and highlight interesting words and phrases (much like you would with your freewrites). Clip
these and then arrange them into a poem, adding and removing and rearranging as you see fit. Keep a
box of clippings and add to it regularly. That way you can pull it out whenever you want and use it to
make new poems.
Daily journaling: I found that my own poetry was at its best when I was writing regularly, which is no
surprise. Most of us find that our work is strongest when we practice every day. Journaling openly and
freely is an excellent way to foster creativity. I keep an anything journal, which means I stash anything
I want in it: prose, doodles, quotes, random thoughts and ideas, and of course, poems.
Revision: Every once in a while, a poem will show up fully formed and need very little in terms of
editing. But most poems need to cook a little. Ive got poems that have been sitting around for years,
waiting to be fine-tuned. Ive learned that nothing benefits a poem like diligent revision. Ive refined
poems that were over a decade old poems that almost got tossed and found that perfect word
or stanza that the piece was missing. I encounter a lot of fledgling poets who seem to think poetry
should never be revised, but revision and time can be two significant ways to write a poem.
Starters: The first step is usually the hardest, unless Ive been struck by a bolt of unearthly inspiration.
But sometimes I want to write a poem when Im not under the muses spell. That means I have to find
creative ways to get my poem started. I will try anything from poetry prompts to perusing the news for 10/20
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subject matter. Sometimes Ill tackle a tribute to something I love, or Ill write about some conflict or
struggle thats been on my mind. If all else fails, I can always write about nature!
Cadence: Sometimes poetry is not about words or images or subject matter. Sometimes its about
sound. Theres a wannabe musician inside me somewhere and when she comes up with a tune, I often
use it to form a poem that is designed by rhythm, meter, and flow. Some of these poems come out
extremely abstract and weird, but I love them.

Do you ever write poetry? How do you write a poem? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment, and keep

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What is Poetry?
Posted by Melissa Donovan on January 28, 2016

Poetry is prose bewitched, a music made of visual thoughts, the sound of an idea. Mina Loy.

Prose Bewitched
When I read Mina Loys description of poetry as prose bewitched, I felt like someone had captured the
true essence of poetry for the first time.

We often struggle to define abstract or obtuse concepts. One of the greatest and most challenging questions
of all time is, what is art? Although dictionaries attempt to define art, no definition quite captures its essence,
so artists and thinkers have tried to define art in their own words for centuries.

Like art, the definition of poetry has been explored by writers, thinkers, artists, and poets themselves. So 11/20
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what is it? What is poetry?

Defining Poetry
Merriam-Websters Dictionary gives us plenty of
definitions for the word poetry:

the writings of a poet : poems

something that is very beautiful or graceful
metrical writing : verse
writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative
awareness of experience in language chosen and
arranged to create a specific emotional response
through meaning, sound, and rhythm
something likened to poetry especially in beauty
of expression

With all due respect to Merriam-Webster, I dont think

any of these definitions do poetry justice or truly convey
an answer to the question, what is poetry?

I thought Id take a stab at defining poetry:

Poetry is a linguistic art form that can be written, spoken, or performed. It focuses on the aesthetics of
language. It is often composed in verse as opposed to prose and is more concerned with evoking an image or
emotion (or both) over clearly communicating a thought or idea. Poetry makes liberal use of literary devices,
such as alliteration and metaphor. It is the musicality of language, the rendering of abstract thoughts, ideas,
and emotions, rendered with words and sounds. It is pictures painted with words.

As you can see, I cant capture the essence of poetry any better than a dictionary. Poetry is all of these things
and none of these things. Theres a magic in poetry that is difficult to describe in words, even though poetry
itself often uses words to create magic.

What is Poetry?
I think we need poetry itself in order to truly convey what poetry is. Mina Loy said it well, so lets revisit her
explanation of poetry:

Poetry is prose bewitched, a music made of visual thoughts, the sound of an idea. Mina

Do you ever write poetry? Which poems and poets are your favorites? How would you answer the question,
what is poetry? Share your thoughts and ideas by leaving a comment, and keep writing poetry!

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When Poets Dont Read Poetry 12/20
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Posted by Melissa Donovan on December 22, 2015

On the importance of reading poetry.

I started writing poetry just before hitting my teens and quickly fell in love with the artistry, wordplay, and
rhythmic challenge of crafting poems.

A few years later, it occurred to me that I should be reading poetry, so I looked at a few books of poetry but
found nothing that spoke to me. For years afterward, I continued to write poetry but did not read the works
of established poets. Fortunately, I eventually went to college, where I was forced to read poetry and finally
found works and poets that resonated with me.

Its not unusual to encounter young poets who dont read poetry. Some say they dont want their work to be
influenced by other poets, but many have faced the same difficulty I did: they havent been able to find poetry
that they like. Read More

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Denotation and Connotation in Poetry Writing

Posted by Melissa Donovan on November 12, 2015

Denotation and connotation for poets. 13/20
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Most people go through life using language haphazardly. Thats how we get words like irregardless, which
has the exact same meaning as regardless.

But writers, and especially poets, dont have the luxury of throwing words around. Clear and compelling
prose and verse demand that we pay due diligence to the words we choose. We look for the most precise
and accurate words available to express any given idea.

Words have two basic meanings: denotation and connotation. Lets find out the difference between the two
and look at how we, as writers, can use denotation and connotation to strengthen our prose and verse.

Denotation is the literal meaning of a word, the
dictionary definition.

The word mom means a female parent. The word

mother also means a female parent. These two words
share the same definition (and therefore the same
denotation), but as well soon see, they can have very
different connotations.

Language evolves over time through common usage, and words acquire cultural and emotional overtones.
Connotation is the implied meaning of a word, which goes beyond its dictionary definition.

Connotation could also be thought of as the flavor of a word. Mom and mother both have the same
dictionary definition, but these words have different flavors once we put them into context. Consider the
following sentences:

Mom, can I audition for the school play?

Mother, may I audition for the school play?

The word Mom has an intimate and casual connotation whereas Mother carries a more formal overtone.
These words have the same meaning but the subtext is different. This is due, in part, to context. Mother may
sound formal in the example sentence above, but there may be contexts in which that is not the case:

Shes a loving and devoted mother.

As we can see, a word might express different connotations in different contexts.

Using Denotation and Connotation in Poetry Writing

In poetry writing, denotation and connotation are critical considerations. A key component of poetry is word
choice and the language we use to express thoughts, ideas, and images. Denotation and connotation allow us
to choose words that give our poetry greater depth and deeper meaning. 14/20
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Some words have multiple definitions. Most writers will default to the simplest word and most common
definition. If they want to show a detective chasing a suspect through a forest, they might say the detective
sprinted through the trees. But a poet will look for a word that can be used more fully: the detective
darted through the trees.

The word sprint works because it means to run fast, but the word dart deepens the meaning because it
denotes running fast, a spear-like weapon, and a small projectile that is shot at a target. All of these definitions
underscore what is happening when a detective is chasing a suspect.

Although these literary devices arent exclusive to poetry (they are found in all forms of writing), poets tend to
make the best use of denotation and connotation because the craft of poetry emphasizes language and word
choice. Poets spend an inordinate amount of time laboring over word choices, searching for language that
perfectly expresses whatever the poet wants to say.

Writers outside the realm of poetry can learn a lot from poetic devices like denotation and connotation, using
these tools and techniques to enrich their own work, whether they write fiction, creative nonfiction, or
anything else.

Are you a poet? Do you ever pause to carefully consider your word choices? Have you ever applied the
concepts of denotation or connotation to your writing? Share your thoughts and experiences by leaving a
comment, and keep writing!

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36 Poetry Writing Tips

Posted by Melissa Donovan on September 22, 2015

Poetry writing tips.

Poetry writing is the most artistic and liberating form of creative writing. You can write in the abstract or the
concrete. Images can be vague or subtle, brilliant or dull. Write in form, using patterns, or write freely, letting
your conscience (or subconscious) be your guide.

You can do just about anything in a poem. Thats why poetry writing is so wild and free: there are no rules. 15/20
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Poets have complete liberty to build something out of nothing simply by stringing words together.

All of this makes poetry writing alluring to writers who are burning with creativity. A poets process is
magical and mesmerizing. But all that freedom and creativity can be a little overwhelming. If you can travel in
any direction, which way should you go? Where are the guideposts?

Todays writing tips include various tools and techniques that a poet can use. But these tips arent just for
poets. All writers benefit from dabbling in poetry. Read a little poetry, write a few poems, study some basic
concepts in poetry, and your other writing (fiction, creative nonfiction, even blogging) will soar.

Below, youll find thirty-six writing tips that take you on a little journey through the craft of poetry writing. See
which ones appeal to you, give them a whirl, and they will lead you on a fantastic adventure.

36 Poetry Writing Tips

1. Read lots of poetry. In fact, read a lot of anything if you want to produce better writing.
2. Write poetry as often as you can.
3. Designate a special notebook (or space in your notebook) for poetry writing.
4. Try writing in form (sonnets, haiku, etc.).
5. Use imagery.
6. Embrace metaphors but stay away from clichs.
7. Sign up for a poetry writing workshop.
8. Expand your vocabulary.
9. Read poems over and over (and aloud). Consider and analyze them.
10. Join a poetry forum or poetry writing group online.
11. Study musicality in writing (rhythm and meter).
12. Use poetry prompts when youre stuck.
13. Be funny. Make a funny poem.
14. Notice what makes others poetry memorable. Capture it, mix it up, and make it your own.
15. Try poetry writing exercises when youve got writers block.
16. Study biographies of famous (or not-so-famous) poets.
17. Memorize a poem (or two, or three, or more).
18. Revise and rewrite your poems to make them stronger and more compelling.
19. Have fun with puns.
20. Dont be afraid to write a bad poem. You can write a better one later.
21. Find unusual subject matter a teapot, a shelf, a wall.
22. Use language that people can understand.
23. Meditate or listen to inspirational music before writing poetry to clear your mind and gain focus.
24. Keep a notebook with you at all times so you can write whenever (and wherever) inspiration strikes.
25. Submit your poetry to literary magazines and journals.
26. When you submit work, accept rejection and try again and again. You can do it and you will.
27. Get a website or blog and publish your own poetry.
28. Connect with other poets to share and discuss the craft that is poetry writing.
29. Attend a poetry reading or slam poetry event.
30. Subscribe to a poetry podcast and listen to poetry.
31. Support poets and poetry by buying books and magazines that feature poetry.
32. Write with honesty. Dont back away from your thoughts or feelings. Express them!
33. Dont be afraid to experiment. Mix art and music with your poetry. Perform it and publish it.
34. Eliminate all unnecessary words, phrases, and lines. Make every word count. 16/20
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35. Write a poem every single day.

36. Read a poem every single day.

Have You Written a Poem Lately?

I believe that poetry is the most exquisite form of writing. And anyone can write a poem if they want to. In
todays world of fast, moving images, poetry has lost much of its appeal to the masses. But there are those of
us who thrive on language and who still appreciate a poem and its power to move us emotionally. Its our job
to keep great poetry writing alive. And its our job to keep writing poetry.

What are some of your favorite writing tips from todays list? How can you apply poetry writing
techniques to other forms of writing? Do you have any tips to add? Leave a comment!

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Poetry Writing Ideas and Activities

Posted by Melissa Donovan on March 5, 2015

Try something new with these poetry writing ideas and


A poem can come out of nowhere and land on the page, fully formed, in just a few minutes. A poem can also
be the result of hours (or weeks) of laboring over line breaks, word choices, images, and rhythm.

Poems are funny little things, appearing out of nowhere and disappearing for no apparent reason. Poets have
to be diligent: be prepared when a poem arrives and if it doesnt, go out and chase it down.

There are many ways to write a poem, and not all of them involve sitting at a desk staring at a glaring screen
or curled up in a chair with a pen and notebook. Instead of waiting for poems to fall out of the sky, try some
of these poetry writing ideas and activities, and go catch them!

Poetry Writing Ideas & Activities

Below are some poetry writing ideas mixed with activities to get poetry flowing. 17/20
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1. Take a poetry walk. Grab a recorder or a

notebook and then set out on foot. You can use
a timer and stop every five minutes to jot down a
line, or take a break whenever you see something
interesting or inspiring and note it. When you get
home, work it all into a poem.
2. Take a snapshot. Write a descriptive poem,
choosing a simple subject or scene. The idea is to
write a poem that feels like a picture.
3. Cut and paste. Grab some old magazines,
pamphlets, and junk mail and cut out the most
interesting words and phrases, then tape or paste
them together to make a poem.
4. Get personal. Your deepest secrets, innermost
desires, regrets, dreams, and fantasies are all excellent sources of inspiration.
5. Write a response poem. Choose a poem that you admire or that confounds you perhaps one that
disturbs you or contains some element you disagree with. Then write a poem in response to it.
6. State your positions. Write a political poem, a philosophical poem, or explore your ideals through
image-rich language.
7. Translate a poem into modern language. Many modern readers dont care to read poetry that was
written hundreds of years ago because the language has changed so much since then. So take one of
those poems and update it into a more contemporary vernacular.
8. Explore your beliefs. What do you value? Which morals do you hold dear? Share your beliefs and
express your spirituality through a poem.
9. Write to music. You can use a song with or without lyrics: give it words or give it new words!
10. Pay tribute. Write an ode to someone you admire, respect, or love. For a more interesting twist and a
challenge, write a tribute poem to someone youre not that crazy about.
11. Go big. Get large sheets of paper or use chalk on the driveway and draft a poem in huge, sweeping
12. Get in form. Many of todays poets dont experiment in form. Surprisingly, it tends to open rather than
stifle creativity. Its definitely worth a try.
13. Make temporary art. Chalk and whiteboards are great for temporary poems. The idea is to create
something, and then let it go. You can also write on paper and burn it, shred it, or black it out.
14. Use doodles. Get a blank piece of paper and allow yourself to doodle on it as you write a poem. See
if your doodles give your poem a new angle, either as part of the piece or by giving you interesting or
fresh ideas.
15. Get in shape. Choose a shape in silhouette form, and then fill the shape with words to build a poem
into the shape: hearts, animals, people, and symbols (anything recognizable in outline form) work well.

What do you do when your poetry isnt flowing? Do you have any poetry writing ideas or activities to share?
If so, leave a comment, and keep on writing. 18/20
8/26/2016 Poetry Writing | Writing Forward

Filed under Poetry Writing Tagged with Poetry Writing 11 Comments

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