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Attention Getter- Within silence, there are no solutions.

We must not only be willing to

talk about the impact of Gentrification within our community, but we must acknowledge
the humanity of those with who have it.

Credibility: Hello, my name is Lavonte Lewis and I have been researching Gentrification
since my Senior year in high school, I educate myself about the topic, and I have
participated in some rebuilding jobs.

Audience Relevance: It is critical that we discuss Gentrification with our community

because many lack education concerning gentrification and you never know how your
words can save a lives.

Preview Points: Today I am going to focus on the following points. First I will explain
how many people are homeless because of gentrification secondly I will discuss the
demographics impacted by gentrification lastly I will provide information of how we can
stop gentrification in Charlotte.

Transition to Point 1: Lets begin by discussing the misconceptions around


Point 1: People are not educated on the topic and carry many misconceptions

Subpoint 1: When interviewing students, many did not know it what it

Subpoint 2: According to Next, many people are pushing to
destroy the oldest black neighborhood in Charlotte.
Subpoint 3: Next City explains how they are assumption that Cherryville
growth is for the better for the neighborhood
Transition : Next, I am going to discuss the demographics of people homeless due to

Point 2: Demographics related to Gentrification

Subpoint 1: revealed that people are paying 300$ for rent
and getting forced out that in North Carolina.
Subpoint 2: Gentrification impacts African Americans the most even
though they make up 28% of the population. states that 68% of all new
reported gentrification cases in 2005 were among African Americans homes
Furthermore, 69% of all new cases reported are comprised of Latino and African
Subpoint 3: Globally speaking,Charleston SC and Asheville NC are
impacted the most cases.

Transition to Point 3: While understanding the misconceptions and demographics

related to Gentrification is important, we must consider ways to make a positive impact.

Point 3: Organizations in Charlotte

Subpoint 1: We need to inform our youth and others about helping parents
out with bills and other things around the house clinics here in Charlotte.
Subpoint 2: We need to support those with homeless by participating in
soup kitchen or just by giving them information about a job.
Subpoint 3: Finally, if you are not sure how to support someone who is
homeless just the following organizations can help you socially and emotionally
Transition to Conclusion: In summary, I hope this presentation will lead to more
discourse around Gentrification
Review Main Points: Weve discussed facts about Gentrification we have explored
statistics related to demographic issues, and we have looked at organizations here is
Charlotte that help support people dealing

Conclusion: Next Steps or Call to Action: Whether you participate in a feeding the
homeless donate to them or educate other about people homeless due to gentrification
I hope you will leave here today and assist me in breaking the silence around about
gentrification and people who are living with it.

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