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Attention Getter- imagine being accused of a murder that you did not commit, having to serve
20 years in prison to a crime that you know you did not commit

Credibility- Hello, my name is Angie Armijos and I have been studying DNA Exoneration since
the beginning of my senior year in high school. Ive come to learn and understand the the flaws
of the criminal justice system

Audience Relevance - being accused of a crime you did not commit can be anyone's worst
nightmare, but that does not mean it does not occur, it happen quite frequently documentaries
like How To Make A Murder show how a man can spend 20 years in prison before being
exonerated for the crime he didn't commit, he always stated that he was innocent and that they
had the wrong perpetrated

Preview Points - Today, I will focus on these following topics based on DNA Exoneration .
First ill present you cases of my topic and show how these people life are affected due to the fact
that they serve a prison sentence that was not for them, I also will be explaining how does this
situation happen in the first place and finally Ill talk to you about how people are dealing with
this situation can get help

Transitions to Point 1 - lets start by discussing how the crimes are represented in both

Point1: the criminal justice system has there flaws

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